HippieStationArchive / HippieStation13-1

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Removes contender from bartender #3337

Closed SplergeBucket closed 7 years ago

SplergeBucket commented 7 years ago


also apparently i fucked up standard procedure, thanks ot the helps of tdflexguy300 i have now learned standard procedure

references #3231

Anderbergst commented 7 years ago


gumner commented 7 years ago


SplergeBucket commented 7 years ago

you already have one you BR fuck this is just a second snowflake shotgun with syndicate descriptions

SplergeBucket commented 7 years ago

also this gun is weak as hell for a syndicate selection piece ideally @ArcLumin lowers the TC price to something like 7

KittyKathy commented 7 years ago

Why are you removing it? All i can get from the PR is that he had two guns and this one had a syndicate pin which was probably a coding mistake as only the syndicate version should have a syndicate pin.

Also this gun is not a shotgun because it can shoot any ammo as in it can shoot the same ammo the detective .38 shoots for instant stuns. Or it can shoot .357s for 60 damage per shot.

And this gun is not weak as hell for a syndicate gun it can shoot sniper ammo without the delay the sniper has and it can shoot the grenade ammo or taser slugs.

I would consider it the best gun to use just for the variety of strategies that you can use with it. Like using thermals and the sniper penetrator ammo that goes through walls to kill the captain without him even seeing it coming all without even buying the expensive sniper and having to lug it around or use it as your main gun.

SplergeBucket commented 7 years ago

fair enuff kitty i dont believe the barkeep should have this as a weapon tho' especially not with a syndicate firing pin inside it

SplergeBucket commented 7 years ago

also changelogs are gay as hell shieeet

JohnGinnane commented 7 years ago

This definitely needs a changelog

SplergeBucket commented 7 years ago

i aint gunna figure out how to do em unless i get a yes or no on it

KittyKathy commented 7 years ago

Yeah it does seem too strong even more than the detective revolver to be available pretty much round start if a bartender joins at round start. Maybe add it to a mining loot crate or something so it is not syndicate exclusive though.

Does the syndicate firing pin even do anything special other than being unable to shoot it on the syndicate base? Or is it just a reason for people to valid hunt you for having a "syndicate gun"?

SplergeBucket commented 7 years ago

according to the PR it spawns in space i believe at Z4 the syndicate firing pin does nothing but confuse players and get the barkepe killed its dumb as hellggh

KittyKathy commented 7 years ago

Oh yeah Looping is 100% right merge now or fix the pin thing then merge now. To fix the pin thing you need to add pin = /obj/item/device/firing_pin/generic after line https://github.com/HippieStationCode/HippieStation13/blob/master/code/modules/projectiles/guns/projectile/shotgun.dm#L541 be sure to keep the indent to match line 541 and there should be a blank line after the line you added to keep the other code separate and it makes it more readable.

I'm not actually 100% sure if the code change i told you would work but it should.

the reason it has a syndicate pin is because this is a child of type revolver which does have a syndicate pin and so it just inherited it because it was never overridden.

ghost commented 7 years ago

Yeah as soon as I noticed he had the syndie firing pin. Make it fukken generic or remove it from bartender.

GenericGoose commented 7 years ago

so basically its fucking broken and unfinished lol this is a good reason to delete it why the fuck does it shoot any ammo lol thats not how guns work?

ghost commented 7 years ago

Yeah sure +1

blobbernaut commented 7 years ago

It's a space techno gun that's why fuck you!

ArcLumin commented 7 years ago

Bartender's normal shotgun has a syndie area firing pin. This is a child of it.

All the syndie area pin does is prevent it's use in the nuke ops base. The reason it has it is so they can't use sniper ammo to break open blastco if they steal it from the barkeep or space.

Also @GeneralGoose It's not broken or unfinished. It shoots any ammo because, if you read the description, it's a bluespace barrel that automatically conforms to the shot type. It's based on the real like Contender, which can do the same, albeit by swapping barrels. Go look it up.

ArcLumin commented 7 years ago

Also I made the traitor version have a completely different skin, so it should be obvious taking a look at it that it's not the syndie version

trifornt-tinfornt commented 7 years ago

To be fair while it is capable of shooting .357 ammo, the Bartender's shotgun can shoot shotgun slugs which also deal 60 damage per shot, but his shotgun can load two shots instead of only one. The difference is the Contender can do the same and this time doesn't have the restrictions of the Shotgun, effectively giving the Bartender another powerful gun that he doesn't need and will get robbed at roundstart by powergamers. remov

ghost commented 7 years ago

Then make the bartenders guns have normal firing pins.

MethMedic commented 7 years ago

Syndicate firing pin is literally a firing pin that makes it so nukies don't shoot each other in the main base. Why does it matter?

MethMedic commented 7 years ago

Its one shot yea

ArcLumin commented 7 years ago

I don't see the point in removing the contender. Latejoin bartenders ussually won't be able to get their shotgun because it's been stolen. This gun is a single round backup pistol for crowd control. It's worse than the shotgun or the det revolver for a non-antag barkeep as it needs to be reloaded every shot. If you want me to change the firing pin, I totally can. But removing it from the barkeep's arsenal is a bad idea. Plus, if there's more than one barkeep, they definitely can't all have the shotgun. Barkeep spawning with armor means the shotgun fits perfectly on the backslot of the armor, meaning it is just as portable.

ArcLumin commented 7 years ago

Which is retarded because the barkeep one has an entirely different skin

MethMedic commented 7 years ago

The contender is good for using ammo types that finding a gun for is really hard

ArcLumin commented 7 years ago

Surprised people are complaining that the contender has a syndie firing pin when the fuckin bartender shotgun does too and has had it for a long time

ArcLumin commented 7 years ago

I mean, I noticed it. I just didn't see it as an issue

JohnGinnane commented 7 years ago

Is it even an issue?

ArcLumin commented 7 years ago

Not really. Just some people who don't know better might jump to conclusions. I made a PR for renaming it; https://github.com/HippieStationCode/HippieStation13/pull/3340

GuyonBroadway commented 7 years ago

The contender has weapons 6 which allows R&D to bypass the need for combat shotguns/spending TC as a tator for a power fist.

Might make R&D stupid easy as a result.

ArcLumin commented 7 years ago

Or you know, just fuck off to space and grab one there. Or grab one of the shittons of powerfists on mining since you have access (they have a good chance to spawn in abandoned crates) or just get cargo to order it, it's just as easy as getting the gun from the bartender.

SplergeBucket commented 7 years ago

i didnt put up this pr only because i saw a cunt get valided because of this i put it up because giving the barkeep two guns is dumb and i dont see the reason to arm him up if his gun gets stolen because he joined 30 minutes late then too bad???

SplergeBucket commented 7 years ago


SplergeBucket commented 7 years ago

i mean lets be real here you're all retards for endorsing the barkeep having two guns you dont see me going GEE BILL HOW COME UR MUM LETS U HAVE TWO ENERGY GUNS THeN SCREaMIN about hoW THAT SHIT AINT FAIR I WANT TWO GUnS 2!!!11

SplergeBucket commented 7 years ago

i will destroy arc "contending for bartending" lumin

SplergeBucket commented 7 years ago

yeah i've only got spewbags on me side maybe??

ArcLumin commented 7 years ago

Might be a good idea to close this, since you made a branch on our hippiestation account and not your own fork. Good idea to close and delete that and then remake on your own fork if you still want it done

SplergeBucket commented 7 years ago