HippieStationArchive / HippieStation13-1

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Krokodil and spookium do not change the species of catbeasts #3348

Closed tortellinitony closed 7 years ago

tortellinitony commented 7 years ago

Fixes #3336

TheOneAndOnlyCreeperJoe commented 7 years ago

Just a FYI this does not work on catbanned people.

tortellinitony commented 7 years ago

Then, what does?

TheOneAndOnlyCreeperJoe commented 7 years ago

It won't work because catban constantly re-applies the catban if the species were to be changed. In short, it is irreversible (as it should be). Only way to revert being a cat is trough the shitmins.

tortellinitony commented 7 years ago

Well this still works for normal cats.

ArcLumin commented 7 years ago

This is the only way for dudes who got turned into cats by like, ling dna stings to turn back, so no thank you

ghost commented 7 years ago

Aren't cat DNA stings disabled?

SpankMasterson commented 7 years ago


SplergeBucket commented 7 years ago

-1 dis hedmin nikkas this is a way for cats turned by spells or shiet to be regular nukkas agauin doesnt work on catbanned cunts

ghost commented 7 years ago

No point. Only reason to keep people cats is if they're catbanned, and catbanned players have a check that turns them back into cats if they secret monkey trick themselves into something else.

ghost commented 7 years ago

yeah nah, there's no need. -1