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Makes Bag of Holding range infinite #3360

Closed ArcLumin closed 7 years ago

ArcLumin commented 7 years ago

This is honestly memecode but what the hell this would be fun as fuck to have in

SpankMasterson commented 7 years ago

What does it do exactly? I am gay.

ArcLumin commented 7 years ago

Normally, dragging a bluespace satchel to any other tile dumps out the contents at range. Typically, this range is 8 tiles. This boosts that to infinite range

JohnMcLaime commented 7 years ago

Yes. *smugface

Anderbergst commented 7 years ago


KittyKathy commented 7 years ago

So uh can you do this through security cameras?

ArcLumin commented 7 years ago


KittyKathy commented 7 years ago

So you can dump bombs anywhere there is a camera? New way to meme the AI, dump bombs literally on it though it's own camera that it uses to see itself from the RD office. This is great finally a use for this other than making a singularity on the escape shuttle.

GuyonBroadway commented 7 years ago

Oh my, bluespace active gold slime cores into medbay, bluespace all your maxcaps into the brig and on a less destructive note, pick up drones and bluespace them directly into damaged areas for quick repairs.

Bluespace teleporter beacons into the armoury and clean it the fuck out!

ghost commented 7 years ago

No thanks. -1

GuyonBroadway commented 7 years ago

If you try to use a bluespace wormhole projector while wearing a BoH (and i think any teleporter or wormhole) it causes you to be teleported randomly elsewhere for no reason other than someone on tg thought this would be funny. Bags of Holding do have their downsides.

GuyonBroadway commented 7 years ago

Eh that IS true, and you could allready do that with a telepad anyway.

ghost commented 7 years ago

Telepad is harder and requires setup.

GuyonBroadway commented 7 years ago

If yer robust with a telepad you can drop bombs into places you know people are and you CAN'T see. But what I meant to say was that there is little point to giving an easier to get item an easier way to do something that we already have a thing for.

Carbonhell commented 7 years ago

What is this shit ree -1 use a telepad

ArcLumin commented 7 years ago

Like I said, this is memecode

blobbernaut commented 7 years ago

Boost the research reqs of BOHs way the fuck up

ArcLumin commented 7 years ago

sure why not, can make it viable memecode

ArcLumin commented 7 years ago

now requires programming 4, engineering 6, bluespace 6, and materials 7

blobbernaut commented 7 years ago

+1 i guess, willing to see how hard you can break the game

ghost commented 7 years ago

jesus what the fuck that shit's possibly hilarious but also crazy powerful even with the crazy research requirements make it require bluespace crystals or something too iunno im gay -1 for now

ArcLumin commented 7 years ago

literal hilarious memecode

ArcLumin commented 7 years ago

anyways, closing since two head disapprovals. rip memes