HippieStationArchive / HippieStation13-2

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Add a "super electronic magnetic device" #46

Closed Arzion5 closed 7 years ago

Arzion5 commented 7 years ago

A super emag would be able to emag a massive amount of things compared to the regular emag, but costs 16 TC.

-Emagging vendors also hacks them along with unlocking their access -Emagging a crew monitoring console or a handheld version shows the location of every crewmember, ignoring the jumpsuit's sensor settings. Does not work on jumpsuits with no actual sensors. -Emagging a recharger/Mech recharger/robot recharger causes them to drain power cells instead of recharging. -Emagging the security console can show camera view from every single existing camera, including Centcomm cameras -Emagging the security records console sets everyone on wanted automatically -Emagging a medical records console sets everyone to "insane" (it may or may not affect bots, actually) -Emagging a food processor allows it to function as a gibber that can gib humans -Emagging energy weapons overloads them, causing to explode after a short amount of time -Emagging an explosive makes it blow up instantly -Emagging an ID console allows it to grant Syndicate access. Can be reset. -Emagging a station-bounced radio allows it to make every voice going through it to be in big text, as if using the high-volume function on a command headset -Emagging station alert consoles makes them automatically end every alarm, but cannot be emagged again for 30 seconds -Emagging the stock exchange computer allows for more favorable or unfavorable outcomes (comes with a setting). Space magic indeed. -Emagging a PDA painter allows for a blood-red syndicate PDA skin -Emagging a flash allows you to AoE stun with them or pass through eye protections if used individually, but can be used only once in this state. -Emagging mindshield implants turns them into greater mindslave implants. Way to save up on costs! -Emagging a teleporter beacon makes all teleports redirect to it for a short amount of time, including random hand-tele teleports and reactive armor teleports. -Emagging a suit storage unit causes it to explode upon next use. Useful for gibbing bodies. -Emagging a chem master allows unrestricted amount of units into patches or pills. -Emagging a changeling sting causes the person to experience any of the effects of an actual changeling's sting excluding transformation. You can get dull armblade'd, cryostinged, and more! -Emagging an all-in-one grinder makes it able to grind any object. Resulting chemical is named into "Unknown Sludge", slightly toxic. -Emagging an ice cream vat poisons the ice creams. -Emagging a food cart injects 10 units of a random poison (including nanites) into the food stuff. -Emagging a camera allows it to function as a flash if used close on a person -Emagging a crematorium causes plasma and fire to vent from it upon use. -Emagging a morgue locks it and always makes it show up as red, despite the actual status of the victims. Can only be unlocked from the outside or after a 30 second duration -Emagging a tachyon-doppler array causes it to produce explosive sounds and send over the reports on radio. Useful for confusion. -Emagging a cloning console (not the cloner) causes the cloned people to have random disabilities. -Emagging a cryo cell will mess up with the interface, causing health to be registered as damage and the inserted beakers to be shown as random poisons. -Emagging a teleporter console will always make it remain uncalibrated. "Why is the Captain a fly?" -Emagging a gravity generator imposes a slowdown on everyone by increasing gravity. Can be reset. -Emagging a pAI allows for additional syndicate functions, like drug-injections, acting as a flash, and making door hacks 20x faster and silent. -Emagging a slime management console can allow slimes to be placed outside of Xenobiology. Now you can laugh maniacally -Emagging a bag of holding causes it to turn unstable, allowing it to carry an actual infinite amount of items of any size, but will turn into a singuloth after a minute -Emagging a chainsword (even the sacred one) causes it to have an almost guaranteed chance to delimb and bypass armor, but it causes a massively loud sound and the victim to emote a scream -Emagging a hardsuit, either on yourself or on another person, causes it to be permanently stuck, only being able to be taken off via surgery or massive damage -Emagging a spell wand causes it to be self-recharging (Pretty much cannot be done outside of admin intervention or real fucky round-type conversion, or traitor minering) -Emagging a spell book causes it to turn into another type of spellbook, but only once. Heretics beware, the chaplain has fireball.

ghost commented 7 years ago

this sounds OP

ArcLumin commented 7 years ago

This is not the place to ask for features

...is what I would say, but we have a new host, so new rules. So hey. Maybe it is

Arzion5 commented 7 years ago

The choice of the item and/or effects to be incorporated into the game are at the admins' discretions, but you are right. I originally thought about it as something along the lines of "put everything in a bag and it's gone forever", but it could be modified to just turn into a singularity after 10 seconds.

Arzion5 commented 7 years ago

As fun as that would be, it would considerably ruin the game extremely easy and even cause issues if you can just have every item handy for every situation

j-mie commented 7 years ago

This is dumb.