HipsterBrown / Slate

What are you slated for today? Keep track of it all with this handy Pebble app.
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Custom Action support #15

Open HipsterBrown opened 8 years ago

HipsterBrown commented 8 years ago

In a setting menu of Slate, via the Pebble phone app, there could be an area to add custom voice actions/commands, similar to the HTTP Request configuration in apps like Smartwatch Plus (https://apps.getpebble.com/en_US/application/5322adb8b1aeaca239000276?section=watchapps). This could have support for plain text and Regex to add the custom command, and a set of fields for the HTTP action that should be taken when that command is matched.

This could also serve as a useful tool for testing out new service integrations.

SahaSG552 commented 8 years ago

Wow, great igea! I would like to use this feature for translation by yandex translator api and regex if its possible

HipsterBrown commented 8 years ago

I am working on first-class language support based on what Pebble currently supports, https://developer.getpebble.com/guides/publishing-tools/i18n-guide/. But for extra languages, the custom actions could be a nice temporary solution.