HipsterBrown / Slate

What are you slated for today? Keep track of it all with this handy Pebble app.
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Russian Support #8

Open HipsterBrown opened 8 years ago

HipsterBrown commented 8 years ago

Related to #5 for implementation:


SahaSG552 commented 8 years ago

It's some more complicated then Spanish or English =) Some examples in Russian:

  1. "Напомни мне" [sentence] "в" [time] "утра" (from 4 to 11) "Remember me" [sentence] "at" [time] "in the morning"
  2. "Напомни мне" [sentence] "в" [time] "дня" (from 11 to 18) "Remember me" [sentence] "at" [time] "in the day"
  3. "Напомни мне" [sentence] "в" [time] "вечера" (from 18 to 23) "Remember me" [sentence] "at" [time] "in the evening"
  4. "Напомни мне" [sentence] "в" [time] "ночи" (from 23 to 4) "Remember me" [sentence] "at" [time] "in the night"

number 1 in Russian "один" number 13 in Russian "тринадцать" but "час" means "an hour" or 13:00 ("дня") or 1:00 ("ночи") for example, 13:22 we can say as "час двадцать два" that sounds like "an hour and twenty two" or "тринадцать двадцать два" that sounds like "thirty and twenty two"

We can talk "a half of an hour" in one word in Russian like: "полпервого" means 12:30 ("дня") or 0:30 ("ночи") "полвторого" means 13:30 ("дня") or 1:30 ("ночи") "полтретьего" means 14:30 ("дня") or 2:30 ("ночи") "полчетвертого" means 15:30 ("дня") or 3:30 ("ночи") "полпятого" means 16:30 ("дня") or 4:30 ("утра") "полшестого" means 17:30 ("дня") or 5:30 ("утра") "полседьмого" means 18:30 ("вечера") or 6:30 ("утра") "полвосьмого" means 19:30 ("вечера") or 7:30 ("утра") "полдевятого" means 20:30 ("вечера") or 8:30 ("утра") "полдесятого" means 21:30 ("вечера") or 9:30 ("утра") "пол-одиннадцатого" means 22:30 ("вечера") or 10:30 ("утра") "полдвенадцатого" means 23:30 ("вечера") or 11:30 ("дня") but also we can talk "одиннадцать тридцать" that means "eleven thirty", 11:30 or 23:30 - "двадцать три тридцать" as "twenty three thirty"

I wish it was useful, and i would help you as much as it possible.