If the user does a setup and ignores the instructions to "start a new terminal session" and jumps directly to "run" the error message is misleading:
$ xs-dev setup
✔ Moddable SDK successfully set up! Start a new terminal session and run the "helloworld example": xs-dev run --example helloworld
$ xs-dev run --example helloworld
Example project does not exist.
Lookup the available examples: xs-dev run --list-examples
$ xs-dev run --list-examples
throw up;
Error: At least one choice must be selectable
xs-dev might want to have some preflight checks that it uses consistently to determine if the install is good (for the Moddable SDK itself, and for each device target). This will never be perfect, but some are pretty straightforward - like a missing $MODDABLE environment variable.
Here's an example from the another perspective. The user does a teardown and then tries to use the install:
$ xs-dev teardown
$ xs-dev run --example piu/balls
Example project does not exist.
Lookup the available examples: xs-dev run --list-examples
If the user does a setup and ignores the instructions to "start a new terminal session" and jumps directly to "run" the error message is misleading:
xs-dev might want to have some preflight checks that it uses consistently to determine if the install is good (for the Moddable SDK itself, and for each device target). This will never be perfect, but some are pretty straightforward - like a missing $MODDABLE environment variable.
Here's an example from the another perspective. The user does a teardown and then tries to use the install: