HipsterSloth / PSMoveSteamVRBridge

PSMoveSteamVRBridge is a client for PSMoveService that computes the pose and button data of PSMove/DualShock4/PSNavi controllers and routes it into SteamVR.
Apache License 2.0
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Delays with 2 controllers, no delay with only one controller #109

Open AgoniXX opened 4 years ago

AgoniXX commented 4 years ago

1-3 seconds delays with 2 controllers at anywhere. Steam VR home and Beat Saber. In PSMoveConfigTool - tracking setting - test tracking pose, even only with 1 controller, it delays.

My CPU is i5-2500 3.3G - 4 cores. The CPU usages around 50%. Is my CPU limiting it? If PSMoveSteamVRBridge only supports 1 or 2 threads.

I tried 2 different brands of Bluetooth adapter, same delay. Tried v1.4, v1.5, v1.6, same.

Tried PSMoveFreepieBridge with script: def update(): freeTrack.pitch = -freePieIO[0].pitch freeTrack.roll = freePieIO[0].roll freeTrack.yaw = freePieIO[0].yaw

#Multiply by 10 for SteamVR use
freeTrack.x = (freePieIO[0].x * 10)
freeTrack.y = (freePieIO[0].y * 10)
freeTrack.z = (freePieIO[0].z * 10)

if starting: freePieIO[0].update += update Delays with 2 controllers, no delay with only one controller

So it looks like the delay is coming from the PSMoveService

Any idea please? Thx!!

el-bohno commented 4 years ago

I belief, there is a difference in tracking response time between Alpha Release #9.0.1 and Alpha Release #8.10.0. I´m using Alpha Release #8.10.0 i think it´s faster. I´m using PSMoveFreePieBridge version 15, too.

AgoniXX commented 4 years ago

Found the fix. Update win10 to 1909. I disabled win10 auto update for around 2 years. I hate it so much. After the update, many things broken as expected. But the only good thing is the delay gone.