HipsterSloth / PSMoveSteamVRBridge

PSMoveSteamVRBridge is a client for PSMoveService that computes the pose and button data of PSMove/DualShock4/PSNavi controllers and routes it into SteamVR.
Apache License 2.0
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HMD Tracking in steamVR not working #129

Open Krish312 opened 4 years ago

Krish312 commented 4 years ago

I'm using riftcat and followed daley techs video on the setup.

Everything is working perfectly, BUT when in the PSMoveFreepieBridge.exe I type 1 (Virtual HMD), then 0 (id for HMD). I am using a ping-pong ball with a red light. The head tracking in the test pose is working perfectly I can walk around the room and it tracks. BUt in SteamVR the head tracking isn't working. If I look up I can see my controllers are working. But in stuck very low to the floor. What's weirder is that if I type 1(Controller) and 1(id of the controller). My controller lists up that in SteamVR it works as head tracking. If I use a controller and move it around the room, the HMD in SteamVR moves around. Therefore I know I did all the steps right. I even tried reinstalling SteamVR and psmoveservice. Didn't work.

Maybe someone can help?

chokitodopoder commented 4 years ago

Good, I've discovered all of this recently, bought everything, setup my ping pong ball just like Daley Tech videos, and nothing. Did everything e reinstalled a lot of times, always facing the same problem, I was starting to get frustrated. In PSMoveService, everything seems fine, even on tracking pose tests it works. I just can't find a way to test if Steam is receiving the position data from SteamVRBridge or FreePIE.

Hunond commented 3 years ago

Same problem.