HipsterSloth / PSMoveSteamVRBridge

PSMoveSteamVRBridge is a client for PSMoveService that computes the pose and button data of PSMove/DualShock4/PSNavi controllers and routes it into SteamVR.
Apache License 2.0
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Skyrim VR - interact with items mapping problem. #48

Open ninjav69 opened 6 years ago

ninjav69 commented 6 years ago

I've set up a PSMoveService mapping in steamvr.vrsettings in order to play Skyrim VR. I can however not interact with items such as open chests, doors, or start conversations with NPCs.

Is it currently possible to map a button to the HTC Vive touchpad center (which Skyrim VR requires to trigger interaction)?

Here is my mostly-working steamvr.vrsettings: { "GpuSpeed": { "gpuSpeed0": 291, "gpuSpeed1": 288, "gpuSpeed2": 288, "gpuSpeed3": 283, "gpuSpeed4": 288, "gpuSpeed5": 289, "gpuSpeed6": 288, "gpuSpeed7": 288, "gpuSpeed8": 287, "gpuSpeedCount": 9, "gpuSpeedDriver": "", "gpuSpeedHorsepower": 288, "gpuSpeedRenderTargetScale": 2, "gpuSpeedVendor": "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970", "gpuSpeedVersion": 2 }, "dashboard": { "enableDashboard": false }, "driver_vridge": { "fakeSensorEnabled": false, "hmdMode": 0, "renderScale": 100, "windowHeight": 1080, "windowWidth": 1920 }, "power": { "pauseCompositorOnStandby": false }, "psmove": { "meters_per_touchpad_units": 0.075000002980232239, "move": "touchpad", "ps": "system", "rumble_suppressed": true, "select": "button_9", "square": "grip", "start": "touchpad_touched", "triangle": "application_menu", "trigger": "trigger", "use_spatial_offset_after_touchpad_press_as_touchpad_axis": true }, "psmove_settings": { "disable_alignment_gesture": true, "psmove_extend_z": 0.079999998211860657, "psmove_filter_hmd_serial": "04:76:6e:0d:8b:38" }, "psmove_touchpad_directions": { "circle": "touchpad_right", "cross": "touchpad_left" }, "steamvr": { "activateMultipleDrivers": true, "allowInterleavedReprojection": false, "allowSupersampleFiltering": false, "enableHomeApp": false, "mirrorViewGeometry": "0 0 960 540", "supersampleScale": 2 } }

Muritavo commented 6 years ago

Hey there,

Edit: I've got to the core of the problem. The fix is on the way.

I was having the same problem with Fallout 4 VR, it seems that, to interact with items, the game needs to receive a touched signal after touched_pressed signal so it can "conclude the action". To workaround you can press the _touched_pressed button while holding touched_ button.

Let me know if this fix it for you, in the meantime, I'll see how I can fix it. :)

Cretkensigh commented 6 years ago

i wonder if it has something to do with the capacitive buttons the oculus has. i couldnt play arizona sunshine for ages because my diy rig was emulating oculus (was using a dk1 and i couldnt pick up/interact) once i set it to vive emulation via driver4vr it worked straight away.

Muritavo commented 6 years ago

If anyone is interested in testing a fix that makes the game a little more playable, you can find it here. If you test it, let me know what you how did it run for you. :)

HipsterSloth commented 5 years ago

Heads up, the new 1.6.0 release just incorporated the new SteamVR input API: https://github.com/HipsterSloth/PSMoveSteamVRBridge/releases/tag/v1.6.0