HiraokaHyperTools / PDFsharp

Just xps2pdf
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Question: URL support? #17

Closed RhomGit closed 4 years ago

RhomGit commented 4 years ago


I am using the XpsConverter which is great however I would like to have URL links to files/web pages (local file system and remote). Is this possible?

kenjiuno commented 4 years ago


Does it mean you want to invoke PdfSharp.Xps.XpsConverter.Convert with URL like the following one? https://github.com/HiraokaHyperTools/PDFsharp/raw/master/PDFsharp/testing/PdfSharp.Xps.UnitTests/Render2/xps/bulletMarks.xps

RhomGit commented 4 years ago

I was hoping for hyperlink support, similar to what is discussed here: https://sudonull.com/post/119046-WPF-PDF-via-PDFSharpXps-repair-the-output-of-hyperlinks

kenjiuno commented 4 years ago

Hi, thanks for information! I understood about the URL links. It will take longer because I need to recall PDFsharp's detail and learn about Hyperlink.


RhomGit commented 4 years ago

Thank you for an amazing turnaround, I have tested this and it works perfectly!

kenjiuno commented 4 years ago

Hi, thanks for catching up the update! I have published updates to nuget and they are available now.

kenjiuno.PdfSharp-WPF 1.31.5673 kenjiuno.PdfSharp.Xps 1.1.7