HiromuHota / pdi-git-plugin

SpoonGit allows you to manage versions of local Kettle files without leaving Spoon. In addition to Git, Subversion is also supported.
Apache License 2.0
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`.gitignore` should be configurable from SpoonGit? #11

Open HiromuHota opened 6 years ago

HiromuHota commented 6 years ago

When connected to a File Repository, the Pentaho Metastore is stored at .meta. As shown in the picture below, git repository information is stored in the metastore. image

You do not want to put gitdemo.xml under the version control because it has user/env-specific information like this:


When they are not version controlled, they remain at the Changed files list. This can easily be resolved by ignoring these folders/files, however, editting .gitignore is not always easy, e.g., for end-users of webSpoon. Adding a menu like Config > Edit gitignore may be useful.