History-Research-Environment / HRE--History-Research-Environment

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GUI_ProjectNew – Create a New Project #28

Closed MichaelErichsen closed 4 years ago

MichaelErichsen commented 6 years ago

This has been replaced by a standard dialog with an added dialog box for project name and Summary in the skeleton.

MichaelErichsen commented 6 years ago

The function at this popint in time creates all tables, but loads nothing. It also creates an entry in the Eclipse properties file.

RodThompson commented 6 years ago

The present action of the module is understandable, given that the database is not yet usable. What is the Eclipse properties file all about?

MichaelErichsen commented 6 years ago

Reopening the issue to answer.

Eclipse is the platform, we are building HRE upon. Eclipse is in my view a very good choice, when the programming language is Java (which I also am happy about), because it provides a large number of services to relieve the programming effort. Every Eclipse application is born with a set of properties files, which stores all kinds of state between each invocation of the Eclipse application. When you have have run an Eclipse application, such as HRE, it has created a folder called Workspace in the directory, from where you run Eclipse. If you run Eclipse from a ditectory called C:\Temp\HRE Client-win32.win32.x86_64 then you can drill down to C:\Temp\HRE Client-win32.win32.x86_64\workspace\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.runtime\.settings Here you will find at least this file: org.historyresearchenvironment.client.prefs which is the HRE properties file. Eclipse also creates other prefs files along they way to keep state about the size and position of the application, which perspective was open, which view parts were active etc. etc.

It could look like this:

project.0.lastupdated=2000-01-01 01\:01\:01
project.0.summary=This is the default project

If you open the Preferences pages and save changes there, the saved parameters will be added here, and when you open or create more projects, they will be registered here too.

So this is a file related to the HRE application as such, not to the individual projects.

HREferg commented 4 years ago

Closed - no longer relevant to current Build of HRE