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Foreign Relations of the United States - TEI XML source files
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frus1927v01 page images off by 2 #143

Closed vak2ve closed 7 years ago

vak2ve commented 7 years ago

Page images downloaded from S3 include 0035a.tif and 0035b.tif, which throw off page numbers after XXXI.


image Next page: http://localhost:8080/exist/apps/hsg-shell/historicaldocuments/frus1927v01/pg_XXXII


The content is present but the links point to incorrect page image after XXXI.

joewiz commented 7 years ago

@vak2ve Sounds like I need to dust off my scripts for batch updating filenames. How about if I rename 0035a.tif and 0035b.tif to 0036.tif and 0037.tif, respectively, the current 0036.tif would then become 0038.tif, and so on? Would this result in correct @facs values?

vak2ve commented 7 years ago

@joewiz I renumbered the files and reuploaded them to S3 but there's still something off between pgs 32-34 and 306-308.

The images for pg. 32 and 33 are skipped and the ones for 35 and 36 repeated: http://localhost:8080/exist/apps/hsg-shell/historicaldocuments/frus1927v01/pg_XXXI

You'll see 306 and 307 are also skipped and 309 and 310 occur twice instead: http://localhost:8080/exist/apps/hsg-shell/historicaldocuments/frus1927v01/pg_305

Not sure what's going on here--page images and TEI both look fine? Did I miss a step?

joewiz commented 7 years ago

@vak2ve Could you please review the TIFF files for this volume, checking the page numbers shown on each image? It sounds like some page images may be missing (or possibly that some duplicates have been introduced). We'll then just re-scan any missing pages.

(Thank you for spotting this issue! I searched my email for any previous reports from HCL of problems with images in this volume, and I'm pretty sure they never spotted anything. But the fact that we had a "0035a" and a "0035b" indicates we were aware of some problem here...)

vak2ve commented 7 years ago

@joewiz I don't see any page images missing or any duplicates in the TIFF files, and the xml:ids and facs values in the XML file are correct in relation to the images. Those 6 duplicates shouldn't be there. I can't explain this one!

joewiz commented 7 years ago

@vak2ve I wrote a query to generate the table below to help us review the <pb> elements' attributes, the images, and the text on each page. I used the latest version of your work on this volume from git. I'm actually not seeing duplicates in the ranges you mentioned - XXXII-XXXVI and 306-310. Can you double check that you've uploaded your most recent edits to your localhost - and then compare what you see in localhost with the list below in those page ranges?

n xml:id facs first words
[I] pg_I 0005 Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States...
[II] pg_II 0006 DEPARTMENT OF STATE Publication 1727...
III pg_III 0007 Contents Message of the President of the United States to...
IV pg_IV 0008 Exemptions from taxation and customs duties enjoyed by foreign diplomatic...
V pg_V 0009 Message of the president of the United States to Congress,...
VI pg_VI 0010 Tax Reduction The immediate fruit of economy and the retirement...
VII pg_VII 0011 National Defense Being a nation relying not on force, but...
VIII pg_VIII 0012 armament. After most careful preparation, extending over months, we recently...
IX pg_IX 0013 American ships. It should be our policy to keep our...
X pg_X 0014 and does include all the Western Hemisphere. The principal points...
XI pg_XI 0015 is in a sound financial condition. These immediate results were...
XII pg_XII 0016 Agriculture The past year has seen a marked improvement in...
XIII pg_XIII 0017 should plant it, and what and how much he should...
XIV pg_XIV 0018 The Protective Tariff The present tariff rates supply the National...
XV pg_XV 0019 practices, resulting in the indictment of the officials of three...
XVI pg_XVI 0020 Between $5,000,000 and $10,000,000 in addition have been provided by...
XVII pg_XVII 0021 against the hazard of the elements. We shall always have...
XVIII pg_XVIII 0022 better transportation. Stabilization of the levels of the Great Lakes...
XIX pg_XIX 0023 they will be withdrawn. The problems of transportation over inland...
XX pg_XX 0024 foul crime of lynching. For several years these acts of...
XXI pg_XXI 0025 life. It is expected the report of this committee will...
XXII pg_XXII 0026 Veterans The care which this country has lavished on its...
XXIII pg_XXIII 0027 hardship. Some further legislation to provide for reuniting families when...
XXIV pg_XXIV 0028 Foreign Relations It is the policy of the United States...
XXV pg_XXV 0029 embraces the earth. Our trade is far flung. Our financial...
[XXVI] pg_XXVI 0030 ...
XXVII pg_XXVII 0031 List of Papers [Unless otherwise specified, the correspondence is from...
XXVIII pg_XXVIII 0032 Feb. 15 (66)...
XXIX pg_XXIX 0033 Feb. 24 (46)...
XXX pg_XXX 0034 Mar. 12 (72)...
XXXI pg_XXXI 0035 Apr. 28 (98)...
XXXII pg_XXXII 0036 June 20 (11)...
XXXIII pg_XXXIII 0037 June 24 (31)...
XXXIV pg_XXXIV 0038 June 28...
XXXV pg_XXXV 0039 July 5 (60)...
XXXVI pg_XXXVI 0040 July 8 (30)...
XXXVII pg_XXXVII 0041 July 12 (84)...
XXXVIII pg_XXXVIII 0042 July 13 (86)...
XXXIX pg_XXXIX 0043 July 18 (105)...
XL pg_XL 0044 July 20 (57)...
XLI pg_XLI 0045 July 25 (62)...
XLII pg_XLII 0046 July 29 (71)...
XLIII pg_XLIII 0047 Aug. 3...
XLIV pg_XLIV 0048 Participation of the United States in the Work of the...
XLV pg_XLV 0049 Mar. 23 (191)...
XLVI pg_XLVI 0050 Mar. 29 (101)...
XLVII pg_XLVII 0051 Apr. 9(83)...
XLVIII pg_XLVIII 0052 Apr. 20 (40)...
XLIX pg_XLIX 0053 Nov. 8 (54)...
L pg_L 0054 Feb. 28 (598)...
LI pg_LI 0055 Feb. 8...
LII pg_LII 0056 Oct. 6 (65)...
LIII pg_LIII 0057 [Oct. 20] (12)...
LIV pg_LIV 0058 Nov. 4 (20)...
LV pg_LV 0059 Proposed Disposition of Property Held by the Alien Property Custodian...
LVI pg_LVI 0060 Apr. 29 (275)...
LVII pg_LVII 0061 Aug. 2...
LVIII pg_LVIII 0062 colombia and peru Date and number Subject Page 1926 Dec....
LIX pg_LIX 0063 Nov. 12 (55)...
LX pg_LX 0064 Sept. 28 (639)...
LXI pg_LXI 0065 Statement by the Secretary of State Regarding Bolshevik Aims and...
LXII pg_LXII 0066 June 10...
LXIII pg_LXIII 0067 Exemptions From Taxation and Customs Duties Enjoyed by Foreign Diplomatic...
LXIV pg_LXIV 0068 ARGENTINA Proposed Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Consular Rights Between...
LXV pg_LXV 0069 Jan. 7...
LXVI pg_LXVI 0070 June 14 (2322)...
LXVII pg_LXVII 0071 AUSTRALIA Representations by the Australian Government Regarding Entry of Australian...
LXVIII pg_LXVIII 0072 Sept. 20 (1532)...
LXIX pg_LXIX 0073 Oct. 29 (1585)...
LXX pg_LXX 0074 Dec. 23...
LXXI pg_LXXI 0075 Action of the American Minister in Austria on the Occasion...
LXXII pg_LXXII 0076 Jan. 24 (49)...
LXXIII pg_LXXIII 0077 Project for Improvement of the St. Lawrence Waterway by Joint...
LXXIV pg_LXXIV 0078 Representations by Canada Against Changes in Border Crossing Privileges Between...
LXXV pg_LXXV 0079 Dec. 9...
LXXVI pg_LXXVI 0080 CHILE Proposed Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Consular Rights Between...
LXXVII pg_LXXVII 0081 Aug. 25 (111)...
LXXVIII pg_LXXVIII 0082 Sept. 20 (136)...
LXXIX pg_LXXIX 0083 Oct. 19 (151)...
LXXX pg_LXXX 0084 Aug. 8 (31)...
LXXXI pg_LXXXI 0085 Disagreement of the Department of State With Decision of a...
[LXXXII] pg_LXXXII 0086 ...
1 pg_1 0087 General: Three-Power Conference at Geneva for the Limitation of Naval...
2 pg_2 0088 The American Government has followed with close attention the proceedings...
3 pg_3 0089 the general reduction and limitation of armaments lies in the...
4 pg_4 0090 enter into an agreement further limiting naval armament, feels itself...
5 pg_5 0091 ratios of France and Italy, taking into full account their...
6 pg_6 0092 You should add that this Government believes the negotiations contemplated...
7 pg_7 0093 that of deliberate self-denial and limitation of naval armament by...
8 pg_8 0094 it would be difficult, if not impossible, to agree upon...
9 pg_9 0095 500.A15 a 1/c: Telegram The Secretary of State to the...
10 pg_10 0096 certain suggestions regarding naval limitation, is given below. You are...
11 pg_11 0097 therefore not be astonished to see French opinion preoccupied with...
12 pg_12 0098 of a nature to prejudice the final decisions for the...
13 pg_13 0099 it is at Geneva and by the Preparatory Commission itself,...
14 pg_14 0100 maintained by the several Powers in the classes of vessels...
15 pg_15 0101 the United States of America to the Prime Minister, Minister...
16 pg_16 0102 grave risks to a binding limitation of its maritime armaments,...
17 pg_17 0103 500.A15 a 1/41: Telegram The Acting Secretary of State to...
18 pg_18 0104 the Italian answer to the Memorandum on naval limitation. In...
19 pg_19 0105 cable Rome. He said the papers today had been inclined...
20 pg_20 0106 forgetting at the same time that the development of these...
21 pg_21 0107 He asked me if I thought that the President had...
22 pg_22 0108 500.A15 a 1/52: Telegram The Ambassador in Great Britain (Houghton)...
23 pg_23 0109 emphasized it might be possible again to approach the Italian...
24 pg_24 0110 if the larger Powers should agree to limitation, the international...
25 pg_25 0111 had it pointed out to him that whatever arrangements were...
26 pg_26 0112 500.A15 a 1/79a: Telegram The Acting Secretary of State to...
27 pg_27 0113 we are still ready to join in a conference of...
28 pg_28 0114 500.A15 a 1/94 The Acting Secretary of State to the...
29 pg_29 0115 States has noted with pleasure that the French Government is...
30 pg_30 0116 500.A15 a 1/103a: Telegram The Acting Secretary of State to...
31 pg_31 0117 in some manner at these conversations, in order that it...
32 pg_32 0118 armaments, or injury to the principle of the equality of...
33 pg_33 0119 morning between Mr. Kellogg and Mr. Chilton of this Embassy,...
34 pg_34 0120 500.A15 a 1/165: Telegram The Ambassador in Japan (MacVeagh) to...
35 pg_35 0121 be sent you. We are very anxious, of course, for...
36 pg_36 0122 President had particularly suggested Geneva since he wished it made...
37 pg_37 0123 meet at some other place, preferably in Belgium, I do...
38 pg_38 0124 with. Japanese Ambassador, who promised to communicate with their respective...
39 pg_39 0125 500.A15 a 1/223: Telegram The Chargé in Japan (Armour) to...
40 pg_40 0126 500.A15 a 1/244a The Secretary of State to the British...
41 pg_41 0127 Admirals Jones, Long and Schofield, with assistants from the Navy,...
42 pg_42 0128 P. S. I have not, of course, talked with Borah...
43 pg_43 0129 question would not be a practical one but that of...
44 pg_44 0130 the forthcoming negotiations should rest. In this respect, the President...
45 pg_45 0131 Subject to the foregoing, I desire to leave to your...
46 pg_46 0132 Canada: The Hon. Ernest Lapointe, Minister of Justice. Dr. W....
47 pg_47 0133 500.A15 a 1/293: Telegram The Chairman of the American Delegation...
48 pg_48 0134 18, 11 a.m., and 9, June 19, 3 [ 2...
49 pg_49 0135 auxiliary vessels of the Washington principles, yet they could consider...
50 pg_50 0136 500.A15 a 1/314: Telegram The Chairman of the American Delegation...
51 pg_51 0137 If you deem it appropriate, we could suggest to the...
52 pg_52 0138 maximum size of cruisers, destroyers, and submarines. The desirability of...
53 pg_53 0139 their respective needs which the British can then comment on...
54 pg_54 0140 500.A15 a 1/324: Telegram The Chairman of the American Delegation...
55 pg_55 0141 Navy pending replacements had a tonnage considerably superior to the...
56 pg_56 0142 Britain has received in this country. The high limit suggested...
57 pg_57 0143 first week. The obstacles with which we are faced can,...
58 pg_58 0144 500.A15 a 1/329: Telegram The Chairman of the American Delegation...
59 pg_59 0145 replacements, which is suggested in their plan for the modification...
60 pg_60 0146 President in summoning the Conference and doubt its genuineness. It...
61 pg_61 0147 had been so kind as to inform me of his...
62 pg_62 0148 was one to which the British Empire attached the greatest...
63 pg_63 0149 500.A15 a 1/336 The Secretary of State to President CoolidgeSent...
64 pg_64 0150 we would need battleships except for defense and in our...
65 pg_65 0151 500.A15 a 1/350: Telegram The Chairman of the American Delegation...
66 pg_66 0152 for us to postpone public sessions at this time and...
67 pg_67 0153 event, Britain would require 75 cruisers of 10,000 tons displacement,...
68 pg_68 0154 He said that, subject to our agreement on these points,...
69 pg_69 0155 that it was impossible to come to an agreement; that...
70 pg_70 0156 from the British Government; we are obtaining this material here...
71 pg_71 0157 Upon reopening the question of cruisers and upon request of...
72 pg_72 0158 500.A15 a 1/372: Telegram The Chairman of the American Delegation...
73 pg_73 0159 had no intention of disputing our right to parity with...
74 pg_74 0160 should that party feel itself threatened by building program of...
75 pg_75 0161 upon this type of cruiser, which they claimed they eventually...
76 pg_76 0162 500.A15 a 1/377: Telegram The Chairman of the American Delegation...
77 pg_77 0163 500.A15 a 1/379: Telegram The Chairman of the American Delegation...
78 pg_78 0164 a large number of cruisers of the 10,000-ton class. They...
79 pg_79 0165 any possibility which now exists of debt settlement revision as...
80 pg_80 0166 500.A15 a 1/383: Telegram The Chairman of the American Delegation...
81 pg_81 0167 conversation with the chief delegates in order to bring out...
82 pg_82 0168 without arriving at an accord rather than to reach an...
83 pg_83 0169 was, rather, to obtain a reasonable limitation on naval construction...
84 pg_84 0170 500.A15 a 1/388: Telegram The Ambassador in Great Britain (Houghton)...
85 pg_85 0171 stated that, while I was unable to speak authoritatively, the...
86 pg_86 0172 We greatly appreciate the friendly feelings which inspired your initiative....
87 pg_87 0173 are likely to occasion any serious difficulty, but it is...
88 pg_88 0174 “Suppose for example that your Western States were suddenly removed...
89 pg_89 0175 500.A15 a 1/394: Telegram The Secretary of State to the...
90 pg_90 0176 be abandoned. Cecil and Bridgeman indicated that their building program,...
91 pg_91 0177 now and 1931 for each of the three powers as...
92 pg_92 0178 the responsibility for calling off the meeting should be placed...
93 pg_93 0179 500.A15 a 1/412a: Telegram The Secretary of State to the...
94 pg_94 0180 500.A15 a 1/406: Telegram The Ambassador in Japan (MacVeagh) to...
95 pg_95 0181 profitable basis of discussion to Japanese. Ishii stated that he...
96 pg_96 0182 between Japanese and British, and emphasizing consistently our preference for...
97 pg_97 0183 “According to the reports received here (i. e. London) the...
98 pg_98 0184 be sought on lines of an agreement as to total...
99 pg_99 0185 Egerton for the British Empire, Saburi and Captain Hori for...
100 pg_100 0186 In the discussion between the British and Japanese which followed,...
101 pg_101 0187 would be happy to see it but could not go...
102 pg_102 0188 naval bases, armor must be sacrificed and if equipped with...
103 pg_103 0189 it wise; (3) it is my belief that if adjournment...
104 pg_104 0190 consented to a total figure for the whole cruiser category....
105 pg_105 0191 that they were becoming convinced that they must make a...
106 pg_106 0192 500.A15 a 1/430: Telegram The Chairman of the American Delegation...
107 pg_107 0193 definite and was not subject to misunderstanding, and we should...
108 pg_108 0194 With reference to the above, Admiral Jones and I have...
109 pg_109 0195 which would be acceptable in their countries. The American proposition...
110 pg_110 0196 place. Viscount Ishii then gave me a memorandum which contained...
111 pg_111 0197 to have been left unsettled it is evident that the...
112 pg_112 0198 conform to situation at last moment; there was, I know,...
113 pg_113 0199 exists, pointing out particularly the enormous increase that Great Britain...
114 pg_114 0200 the necessity of a maximum unit tonnage of at least...
115 pg_115 0201 2. The Americans were to withdraw demand for liberty of...
116 pg_116 0202 500.A15 a 1/447: Telegram The Ambassador in Great Britain (Houghton)...
117 pg_117 0203 tonnage until we should have built up in cruiser tonnage....
118 pg_118 0204 I pointed out that except for destroyers and certain decrepit...
119 pg_119 0205 8-inch [-gun] cruisers would force them to readjust their tonnage...
120 pg_120 0206 is that from the commencement of the Conference both the...
121 pg_121 0207 again with British Government. I am willing, however, to do...
122 pg_122 0208 an 8,300-ton cruiser, and we therefore believe that it would...
123 pg_123 0209 Sir Esme himself was going back to Manchester, Massachusetts, but...
124 pg_124 0210 Mr. Debuchi said that the Japanese Government had not however...
125 pg_125 0211 You will notice that they started in with a suggestion...
126 pg_126 0212 of this treaty we would not build over about seventy...
127 pg_127 0213 everything I can to make the Conference a success, practically...
128 pg_128 0214 First, neither the United States nor Great Britain shall maintain...
129 pg_129 0215 pass into the second group thus making room for new...
130 pg_130 0216 500.A15 a 1/474: Telegram The Chairman of the American Delegation...
131 pg_131 0217 It is my opinion that a careful balance should be...
132 pg_132 0218 British ratification of any treaty which might be negotiated between...
133 pg_133 0219 distance the Japanese have to travel and time required by...
134 pg_134 0220 as we wish and arm our vessels with such 8...
135 pg_135 0221 500.A15 a 1/485: Telegram The Chairman of the American Delegation...
136 pg_136 0222 4. We do not see that there is much to...
137 pg_137 0223 general outline of our proposed statement for the final plenary...
138 pg_138 0224 pursuant to your 61, July 25, 11 a.m., copy was...
139 pg_139 0225 relations between Great Britain and the United States, but disastrous...
140 pg_140 0226 desire on the part of representatives of the British Government...
141 pg_141 0227 500.A15 a 1/510: Telegram The Secretary of State to the...
142 pg_142 0228 agreement an effort would be made during the period of...
143 pg_143 0229 expressed, after which a final appeal to the public might...
144 pg_144 0230 manner, was that this was not the way the British...
145 pg_145 0231 would only vex public opinion in the United States and...
146 pg_146 0232 me on subject of the Naval Conference. I do not...
147 pg_147 0233 2. No proposals for a few months’ adjournment without a...
148 pg_148 0234 5. In considering the program for the final session, it...
149 pg_149 0235 and that we shared their view that it would be...
150 pg_150 0236 and Japanese technical advisers it appeared that the results of...
151 pg_151 0237 in paragraph four and five of this telegram, which the...
152 pg_152 0238 for diplomatic negotiations if possible. We have, as you know,...
153 pg_153 0239 the idea outlined by the Japanese delegation would not be...
154 pg_154 0240 “1. In pursuance of the suggestion of the President of...
155 pg_155 0241 with freedom of armament within such limitation, subject to the...
156 pg_156 0242 greatly enhancing a cruiser building program, which we thought neither...
157 pg_157 0243 build and there probably would not have been any trouble...
158 pg_158 0244 other words, they proposed the global or total tonnage system...
159 pg_159 0245 agree to anything. It is evident that British opinion is...
160 pg_160 0246 of the procès-verbaux and copies of the report before submitting...
161 pg_161 0247 the British Empire, Chile, United States, Italy, Japan and Sweden...
162 pg_162 0248 Should the Department desire to submit any written communication containing...
163 pg_163 0249 500.A15 P 43/115b The Secretary of State to the Chairman...
164 pg_164 0250 it would be inconsistent with our traditional policy for us...
165 pg_165 0251 (3) We believe that insistence upon a joint consideration of...
166 pg_166 0252 is possible in that we feel that some features of...
167 pg_167 0253 [Enclosure] Memorandum Containing American Observations on the Report of the...
168 pg_168 0254 of which would far outweigh any advantages to be derived...
169 pg_169 0255 to the question of international control and supervision, the substance...
170 pg_170 0256 “(3) If this organization were composed of all the States...
171 pg_171 0257 “(5) Further, it may be pointed out that if, in...
172 pg_172 0258 majority of the chemical products which may be utilized for...
173 pg_173 0259 believes that the true relation of budgetary expenditure to the...
174 pg_174 0260 Section V This Section relates to the principle upon which...
175 pg_175 0261 Section VIII The final Section of the report contains the...
176 pg_176 0262 500.A15/440: Telegram The Chief of the American Representation on the...
177 pg_177 0263 500.A15/438: Telegram The Secretary of State to the Chief of...
178 pg_178 0264 respect its provisions are more readily susceptible of being worked...
179 pg_179 0265 500.A15/446: Telegram The Chief of the American Representation on the...
180 pg_180 0266 we have been engaged upon the discussion of a number...
181 pg_181 0267 a convention of this sort. In the course of the...
182 pg_182 0268 perforce be felt that the armaments of my country hardly...
183 pg_183 0269 will which has been shown here it may be possible...
184 pg_184 0270 500.A15/450: Telegram The Secretary of State to the Chief of...
185 pg_185 0271 (1) Make such a statement, thus removing any pretext for...
186 pg_186 0272 however, I was informed by the Conference that it would...
187 pg_187 0273 Governments of the British Empire, Chile, Italy, Japan, Sweden and...
188 pg_188 0274 500.A15/454: Telegram The Chief of the American Representation on the...
189 pg_189 0275 coordinated Anglo-French draft on land armaments, and until we shall...
190 pg_190 0276 and proponents of a formula that would hereafter be known...
191 pg_191 0277 where it is essential to make our views on technical...
192 pg_192 0278 of League machinery and authority; to make it perfectly clear...
193 pg_193 0279 other delegations’ helping us out in this manner. The situation...
194 pg_194 0280 500.A15/462: Telegram The Secretary of State to the Chief of...
195 pg_195 0281 Marinis Italian delegate on the Commission. then said that as...
196 pg_196 0282 500.A15/465: Telegram The Secretary of State to the Chief of...
197 pg_197 0283 being made at Geneva and thought that an effort was...
198 pg_198 0284 number to be used as a basis for such limitation...
199 pg_199 0285 unofficially that the American delegation at Geneva is fully aware...
200 pg_200 0286 said that he would not have permitted himself to refer...
201 pg_201 0287 methods of solution of the actual problem of the limitation...
202 pg_202 0288 take up the time of the Commission in reviewing the...
203 pg_203 0289 attempting to frame should confirm [ confine? ] itself to...
204 pg_204 0290 500.A15/505: Telegram The Chargé in Argentina (Cable) to the Secretary...
205 pg_205 0291 500.A15/534: Telegram The Ambassador in Chile (Collier) to the Secretary...
206 pg_206 0292 500.A15 a 1/524: Telegram The Chairman of the American Delegation...
207 pg_207 0293 Please telegraph your suggestions and comments regarding the attitude of...
208 pg_208 0294 to Council or Assembly, he would be glad to follow...
209 pg_209 0295 into a conference on the subject of security and sanctions,...
210 pg_210 0296 to listen to the discussion and that we had thereby...
211 pg_211 0297 Commission that in 1921 this Government concluded what might be...
212 pg_212 0298 If there are likely to be efforts made to throw...
213 pg_213 0299 you will recall, showed a clear understanding of position which...
214 pg_214 0300 which were invited to attend the 1925 conference on the...
215 pg_215 0301 the regime of publicity, the producing States must, in order...
216 pg_216 0302 which based the hope of American participation in the forthcoming...
217 pg_217 0303 The Council shall advise how the evil effects attendant upon...
218 pg_218 0304 (10) Non-nationals to be prohibited from holding stock in private...
219 pg_219 0305 in the meetings of the Temporary Mixed Commission during 1924,...
220 pg_220 0306 countries that any agreement would be ineffective if it applied...
221 pg_221 0307 a very considerable force, always engaged in the manufacture of...
222 pg_222 0308 which obtain their armament from government arsenals or government controlled...
223 pg_223 0309 You will observe that in this Government’s reply, dated February...
224 pg_224 0310 to administer, the alleged breach of any technical provision of...
225 pg_225 0311 There is transmitted herewith as an annex to this instruction...
226 pg_226 0312 Categories Article 1 (Same as Chapter I of the Convention...
227 pg_227 0313 The High Contracting Parties undertake to withdraw the licence of...
228 pg_228 0314 material for which the licence has been granted such report...
229 pg_229 0315 factories. The quarterly collection and publication of statistics as provided...
230 pg_230 0316 would operate as a strong deterrent to ratification on the...
231 pg_231 0317 under the terms of Article 18, this Convention shall be...
232 pg_232 0318 3. As to the type of statistics to be provided...
233 pg_233 0319 maintain Government arsenals in time of peace for the supply...
234 pg_234 0320 (f) Such a system develops well trained organizations composed of...
235 pg_235 0321 Belgian delegate, who warmly upheld my contention that both categories...
236 pg_236 0322 Status of treaties concluded at the Washington Conference on the...
237 pg_237 0323 British Empire, China, France, Italy, Japan, The Netherlands and Portugal...
238 pg_238 0324 Adherences received from Switzerland (note of June 27, 1922); Chile...
239 pg_239 0325 in order that this Government may be adequately informed of...
240 pg_240 0326 possible failure because of the end of the session. He...
241 pg_241 0327 for payment of reparations and the rehabilitation of the German...
242 pg_242 0328 The Members of the Delegation were greatly impressed with the...
243 pg_243 0329 has a series of separate units, each contending for national...
244 pg_244 0330 However, finally agreement was had on a formula based on...
245 pg_245 0331 Delegation held fourteen meetings for the discussion of the documentation...
246 pg_246 0332 Mr. E. W. Camp.Commissioner of Customs, Treasury Department. Mr. Asher...
247 pg_247 0333 560.M2/3a: Telegram The Secretary of State to the Minister in...
248 pg_248 0334 You are therefore requested, in reply to League’s communication of...
249 pg_249 0335 “The Council, a) approves the report of the Economic Committee...
250 pg_250 0336 In the meantime, the contracting States will adopt all practicable...
251 pg_251 0337 7. Prohibitions or restrictions imposed for the purpose of extending...
252 pg_252 0338 The advisory opinion given by the said body will not...
253 pg_253 0339 of the League of Nations. If within two years from...
254 pg_254 0340 560.M2/10: Telegram The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister...
255 pg_255 0341 Article 1 Having in mind that the object of the...
256 pg_256 0342 feels, however, in the light of its experience in endeavoring...
257 pg_257 0343 Point 1. The legislation of the United States in relation...
258 pg_258 0344 “Prohibitions or restrictions intended, in conformity with national legislation or...
259 pg_259 0345 forth in point 10 might be subject to abuse, there...
260 pg_260 0346 Article 5 The Department considers that this article, in its...
261 pg_261 0347 Inasmuch as the United States has not adhered to the...
262 pg_262 0348 Article 10 The second paragraph of Article 10 refers to...
263 pg_263 0349 and export prohibitions and restrictions that the usefulness of the...
264 pg_264 0350 to the development and progress of international commerce. Moreover, their...
265 pg_265 0351 paragraph of passage quoted from above report; article might take...
266 pg_266 0352 be made that insertion of clause quoted above is not...
267 pg_267 0353 560.M2/37: Telegram The Chief of the American Delegation (Wilson) to...
268 pg_268 0354 with recommendations. He then opened discussion on article 1. Amendments...
269 pg_269 0355 in which I took no part on scope of article...
270 pg_270 0356 the absence of satisfactory similar declaration by another delegate, the...
271 pg_271 0357 original phraseology in the event that I am unable to...
272 pg_272 0358 560.M2/44: Telegram The Secretary of State to the Chief of...
273 pg_273 0359 Your suggestion that “to other contracting states” follow “quotas” is...
274 pg_274 0360 French made interesting suggestion that import restrictions should be considered...
275 pg_275 0361 with article 4 simply that we must know just where...
276 pg_276 0362 “In the case of any prohibitions or restrictions which may...
277 pg_277 0363 contracting states will within 12 months of the coming into...
278 pg_278 0364 exportation of goods from any of the territories of the...
279 pg_279 0365 willing to introduce and urge a resolution in the final...
280 pg_280 0366 560.M2/49: Telegram The Secretary of State to the Chief of...
281 pg_281 0367 Department wishes you to send French text of document C....
282 pg_282 0368 The American exception as regards helium gas was accepted without...
283 pg_283 0369 Article 5 provides for those exceptions which may arise of...
284 pg_284 0370 us I have discussed already in my preceding reports, both...
285 pg_285 0371 will be faced with a number of very thorny questions;...
286 pg_286 0372 Participation of the United States in meeting of the Committee...
287 pg_287 0373 Those present were, besides Professor Adams, Doctor Arthur 1ST. Young,...
288 pg_288 0374 some third country. It was thought that the right to...
289 pg_289 0375 Kwantung and the South Sea Islands under Japanese Mandate, Republic...
290 pg_290 0376 The term “limited service” means a service which may be...
291 pg_291 0377 within the limits of their normal operations, exchange radiotelegrams reciprocally...
292 pg_292 0378 Article 8—Exchange of information regarding stations and service The contracting...
293 pg_293 0379 §2. The provisions of the present Convention and of the...
294 pg_294 0380 Article 18—Relations with stations of non-contracting countries §1. Each of...
295 pg_295 0381 Article 21—Exchange of laws and regulations The contracting Governments shall...
296 pg_296 0382 of the Government of the United States of America and...
297 pg_297 0383 For Canada: A. Johnston Laurent Beaudry C. P. Edwards W....
298 pg_298 0384 For Estonia: G. Jallajas For the United States of America:...
299 pg_299 0385 For the Dutch East Indies: G. C. Holtzappel Warnsinck G....
300 pg_300 0386 For the Republic of Panama: R. J. Alfaro For Paraguay:...
301 pg_301 0387 For Tripolitania: Settimio Aurini For Tunis: Frederic Knobel For Turkey:...
302 pg_302 0388 My Government, as Your Excellency may recall, tried at two...
303 pg_303 0389 deposited by the Federal Government of Austria to take care...
304 pg_304 0390 the Department of State by the Austrian and Hungarian Governments....
305 pg_305 0391 In the first place it should be noted that the...
306 pg_306 0392 however...
307 pg_307 0393 awards of the Tripartite Claims Commission against Hungary individually, to...
308 pg_308 0394 [Enclosure] Memorandum by the Agent of the United States Tripartite...
309 pg_309 0395 Additional protocol between the United States and other American Republics,...
310 pg_310 0396 Panama:...
311 pg_311 0397 For Colombia: Julio Aparicio For Costa Rica: Solón Núñez Jaime...
312 pg_312 0398 Circular instruction to diplomatic officers and certain consular officers concerning...
313 pg_313 0399 the transmission of private messages through official channels, or, where...
314 pg_314 0400 of the investment merit of a loan when it expresses...
315 pg_315 0401 (3) It will be advisable to bring to the attention...
316 pg_316 0402 will immediately ask the United States to solve the difficulty....
317 pg_317 0403 of Foreign Affairs of Bolivia, and Dr. Lisandro Diaz Leon,...
318 pg_318 0404 There has been as yet but little press comment on...
319 pg_319 0405 desire that the long standing difficulty should be satisfactorily solved...
320 pg_320 0406 delegations appointed in pursuance of the Gutierrez-Diaz León protocol appear...
321 pg_321 0407 The Paraguayan Plenipotentiaries, Doctors Eusebio Ayala, José P. Guggiari and...
322 pg_322 0408 Bolivia answered that it gladly accepted Argentina’s offer of mediation,...
323 pg_323 0409 the question of the San Andrés Archipelago. I have discussed...
324 pg_324 0410 Señor Olaya replied that this had been rejected; that Colombia...
325 pg_325 0411 and Providencia, and Colombia and the United States would submit...
326 pg_326 0412 That being the case, the United States had erected lighthouses...
327 pg_327 0413 that he would like to have some quid pro quo...
328 pg_328 0414 to the United States. It also settles in favor of...
329 pg_329 0415 The Governments of Colombia and Nicaragua engage themselves immediately to...
330 pg_330 0416 717.2114/51: Telegram The Secretary of State to the Chargé in...
331 pg_331 0417 The Minister for Foreign Affairs told me today that he...
332 pg_332 0418 Curletti, Chairman of the Committee Foreign Relations of the Senate...
333 pg_333 0419 has been informed that there is real danger that Colombia...
334 pg_334 0420 721.2315/334 Memorandum by the Assistant Secretary of State (White) [Washington,]...
335 pg_335 0421 721.2315/339: Telegram The Chargé in Peru (Boal) to the Secretary...
336 pg_336 0422 721.2315/348 The Chargé in Peru (Boal) to the Secretary of...
337 pg_337 0423 which could be used to show that Colombian friendship was...
338 pg_338 0424 that every effort be made to prevent either the Parliament...
339 pg_339 0425 is urging Peru to ratify the Colombian-Peruvian Boundary Treaty. Ecuador...
340 pg_340 0426 of 1916. I told him that it was my understanding...
341 pg_341 0427 the discussion unless so requested by all concerned. In other...
342 pg_342 0428 (2) The treaty appears to be on the eve of...
343 pg_343 0429 boundary treaty, and it wishes, in any proper way, to...
344 pg_344 0430 “By a vote of 102 to only 7, Congress approved...
345 pg_345 0431 Dominican Republic and HaitiContinued from Foreign Relations, 1926, vol. i,...
346 pg_346 0432 the American Government, but also frankly observed that he thought...
347 pg_347 0433 President Borno has told me that while nothing of a...
348 pg_348 0434 made to the President’s visit to the Legation and his...
349 pg_349 0435 The Haitian Minister informed me yesterday that he has been...
350 pg_350 0436 it would be helpful if I continued to manifest a...
351 pg_351 0437 question and the proposed treaty of amity, I have the...
352 pg_352 0438 both Governments in connection with the boundary negotiations. He added...
353 pg_353 0439 keep the Department informed concerning this matter and state whether...
354 pg_354 0440 advanced, the Department will of course be promptly informed by...
355 pg_355 0441 appeared to be necessary for the present. He then read...
356 pg_356 0442 necessary, such action might well follow the conclusion of an...
357 pg_357 0443 of resistance to the United States. Bolshevik aims in this...
358 pg_358 0444 of the United States, the working class and the peasantry...
359 pg_359 0445 workers and to the Filipinos, a special May Day manifesto...
360 pg_360 0446 have been formed in those countries as yet. Contacts have...
361 pg_361 0447 “43. For us, the League constitutes an organizational expression of...
362 pg_362 0448 a small part of super-profits and continues to extend its...
363 pg_363 0449 which give us a political base in the new continent,...
364 pg_364 0450 Representation of the United States at the meeting of the...
365 pg_365 0451 4. To designate a Committee for the study of comparative...
366 pg_366 0452 embodying changes in the existing systems of law of the...
367 pg_367 0453 of measures tending to the maintenance of peace and stability...
368 pg_368 0454 “U. S. delegate James Brown Scott announced at International Jurists...
369 pg_369 0455 710.C2/228: Telegram The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in...
370 pg_370 0456 international law, For texts of projects, see International Commission of...
371 pg_371 0457 to be found in the projects transmitted by the Pan...
372 pg_372 0458 single delegate each. The two delegates of the United States...
373 pg_373 0459 American Conferences. The first of the series was proposed on...
374 pg_374 0460 The Commission itself met in Rio de Janeiro in the...
375 pg_375 0461 in the codification of both branches of international law, he...
376 pg_376 0462 This motion was unanimously adopted by the Board, and a...
377 pg_377 0463 approval. It was also suggested by the members present, upon...
378 pg_378 0464 attend both Subcommissions. This enabled them personally to take part...
379 pg_379 0465 labored day and night, for the space of their sojourn...
380 pg_380 0466 the preparation of draft-conventions of public international law, and a...
381 pg_381 0467 adjourn at least before the 24th of May, at which...
382 pg_382 0468 himself as preferring the form of his Code to that...
383 pg_383 0469 varez, of Chile, the third member, prevented a unanimous report;...
384 pg_384 0470 This project is also to a considerable extent the embodiment...
385 pg_385 0471 The present Article reaffirms in no uncertain terms the doctrine...
386 pg_386 0472 form of a voeu to the forthcoming Sixth Conference of...
387 pg_387 0473 Article 22 abrogates all claims to consular asylum. The immediate...
388 pg_388 0474 in its 23 articles; whenever possible the exact language of...
389 pg_389 0475 The project is, with trifling modifications, the original text of...
390 pg_390 0476 of five of the Latin American Republics for the establishment...
391 pg_391 0477 as the Conventions of Montevideo of 1889. i. e., eight...
392 pg_392 0478 Article 7 as originally drafted was as follows: “Each contracting...
393 pg_393 0479 of its adoption of such a general policy. In their...
394 pg_394 0480 4th. To organize in Habana an office and a committee...
395 pg_395 0481 This congress, giving effect to the high principles of international...
396 pg_396 0482 force, in order to force its will upon that of...
397 pg_397 0483 that degree of maturity necessary for incorporation in the codification,...
398 pg_398 0484 in each of two branches of international science would attend...
399 pg_399 0485 to the meaning of a project, the language of the...
400 pg_400 0486 which enabled the American Institute to hold its sessions and...
401 pg_401 0487 And of the future, he ventured to express the hope...
402 pg_402 0488 first to voice, and to express the gratitude of America...
403 pg_403 0489 liberations? They have been stated in a masterly manner by...
404 pg_404 0490 nations like ours, which are aspiring to constitute on the...
405 pg_405 0491 “In this way is sketched the explanation of how the...
406 pg_406 0492 “The duties derived from the law of cooperation do not...
407 pg_407 0493 work that can be realized at any one time, nor...
408 pg_408 0494 of the American Ambassador to Brazil, the Honorable Edwin V....
409 pg_409 0495 which now exist between them or which may hereafter arise,...
410 pg_410 0496 Reply by the Department of State to questionnaires on international...
411 pg_411 0497 500.C1196/26 The Secretary of State to the British Ambassador (Howard)...
412 pg_412 0498 mentioned in the questionnaires, is desirable and realizable in the...
413 pg_413 0499 competence of the courts in certain classes of cases against...
414 pg_414 0500 500.C211/– The Chief of the Division of Western European Affairs...
415 pg_415 0501 from taxation and customs duties enjoyed by foreign diplomatic and...
416 pg_416 0502 permitted to enter the several States without obtaining additional tags....
417 pg_417 0503 The above statement, although not exhaustive, describes some of the...
418 pg_418 0504 The Commissioners of the District of Columbia have informed the...
419 pg_419 0505 Rules of precedence as between certain officers of the United...
420 pg_420 0506 3. In international conferences at which the American delegates possess...
421 pg_421 0507 Argentina: Proposed treaty of friendship, commerce and consular rights between...
422 pg_422 0508 most-favored-nation clause. Their expressed wish to place in the Treaty...
423 pg_423 0509 suggested, and above all to create the diplomatic resources which...
424 pg_424 0510 Efforts to secure for American firms equal consideration with other...
425 pg_425 0511 835.34/409: Telegram The Ambassador in Argentina (Jay) to the Secretary...
426 pg_426 0512 Argentina should grant American shipbuilders an equal opportunity to bid...
427 pg_427 0513 In August the Ministry of Marine telegraphed Johnston of the...
428 pg_428 0514 should have the fullest and freest opportunity to compete for...
429 pg_429 0515 835.34/421: Telegram The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé...
430 pg_430 0516 Bethlehem interests in Washington states that he has good reason...
431 pg_431 0517 Italy and the flotilla leaders in Great Britain. The building...
432 pg_432 0518 835.34/426: Telegram The Chargé in Argentina (Cable) to the Secretary...
433 pg_433 0519 as to the French yard which is to carry out...
434 pg_434 0520 [Paraphrase.] Yesterday I was informed … that it was practically...
435 pg_435 0521 Two scout cruisers, nominally of approximately 8,000 tons, have been...
436 pg_436 0522 Argentine Naval Commission in Europe, intervened with the Italian company,...
437 pg_437 0523 Australia: Representations by the Australian Government regarding entry of Australian...
438 pg_438 0524 instances which might be cited for the purpose of emphasizing...
439 pg_439 0525 of the Commonwealth, and I will welcome any advice you...
440 pg_440 0526 711.472/7 The British Embassy to the Department of StateLeft at...
441 pg_441 0527 It was further added that in view of this situation...
442 pg_442 0528 Austria: Negotiations respecting subordination of the Austrian relief loan to...
443 pg_443 0529 will meet in the middle of October in London and...
444 pg_444 0530 I get the impression that the actual loan flotation will...
445 pg_445 0531 of America on account of food produced [ purchased? ]...
446 pg_446 0532 that he has already broken ground with the firm of...
447 pg_447 0533 to it before it has been submitted to the Austrian...
448 pg_448 0534 863.51 Relief Credits/3 The Minister in Austria (Washburn) to the...
449 pg_449 0535 The following points of the contents of the statement seem...
450 pg_450 0536 197 of the Treaty of St. Germain. It now ventures...
451 pg_451 0537 loan or loans in the amount of 775,000,000 schillings or...
452 pg_452 0538 his action thereunder; Treasury Department press release, dated June 9,...
453 pg_453 0539 President, when the actual terms of the issue are communicated...
454 pg_454 0540 the Austrian Government guaranteed twenty-five year loan maturing in 1943....
455 pg_455 0541 20th ultimo, advising me in substance that in the opinion...
456 pg_456 0542 You will note the Minister’s statement that he is taking...
457 pg_457 0543 desire that Austrian assets pledged to the relief credits be...
458 pg_458 0544 863.51 Relief Credits/6: Telegram The Minister in Austria (Washburn) to...
459 pg_459 0545 the lien and is proposing to all creditor nations the...
460 pg_460 0546 There is also enclosed a copy of telegram No. 447,...
461 pg_461 0547 It became apparent upon the occasion of the meeting of...
462 pg_462 0548 Dr. Schüller advised his government from London of the situation...
463 pg_463 0549 the subordination to the projected new federal loan for a...
464 pg_464 0550 Despatch No. 1629 of November 30 indicates that at that...
465 pg_465 0551 before a further expression of views can be given him....
466 pg_466 0552 and a more extended one today. As a result, I...
467 pg_467 0553 In my despatch No. 1656 (page 2) I alluded to...
468 pg_468 0554 present time at a low rate of interest. This differs...
469 pg_469 0555 not prove to be a hard creditor and will not...
470 pg_470 0556 6. To take all necessary steps to ensure that, when...
471 pg_471 0557 the Relief Bonds, for the period of the new Loan,...
472 pg_472 0558 coming five years not contract any other foreign loan and...
473 pg_473 0559 of the United States in terms similar to those adopted...
474 pg_474 0560 per annum, i. e., a total of 1,000,000,000 schillings; the...
475 pg_475 0561 proposal to defer the lien would be facilitated by the...
476 pg_476 0562 recognized, I think, that my relations with Police President Schober...
477 pg_477 0563 Bolivia: Proposed treaty of friendship, commerce and consular rights between...
478 pg_478 0564 Two copies of the treaty of December 8, 1923, with...
479 pg_479 0565 missions in the other South American capitals except Ecuador, the...
480 pg_480 0566 before the World War, with certain modifications which can be...
481 pg_481 0567 Canada: Establishment of direct diplomatic relations between the United States...
482 pg_482 0568 [Enclosure] The British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (Chamberlain)...
483 pg_483 0569 of credence on any day between the 15th and 19th...
484 pg_484 0570 that the presentation to the President of the Minister, accompanied...
485 pg_485 0571 Canada desires to publish incorporate its viewpoint with respect to...
486 pg_486 0572 711.4216 M 58/128 The Secretary of State to the Canadian...
487 pg_487 0573 now receives 36,000 second feet at Niagara as against 20,000...
488 pg_488 0574 Honorable Herbert Hoover, Secretary of Commerce, to consider the whole...
489 pg_489 0575 should be undertaken. If this Government’s conclusion in this respect...
490 pg_490 0576 of opinion on important phases of the development proposed. It...
491 pg_491 0577 I understand that surveys are now being made in Manitoba...
492 pg_492 0578 that hitherto have prevailed in the United States, and that,...
493 pg_493 0579 711.42157 R 72/22 The Secretary of State to the Canadian...
494 pg_494 0580 This Government would be grateful if the views of the...
495 pg_495 0581 C. Natives of quota countries whose original admission occurred subsequent...
496 pg_496 0582 10. All identification cards heretofore issued, held by aliens who...
497 pg_497 0583 150.01 Commuters/21 The Secretary of State to the Canadian Minister...
498 pg_498 0584 The Secretary stated further that he hoped the work of...
499 pg_499 0585 obligations had been created in very large numbers both in...
500 pg_500 0586 of Canada will find themselves as a result of General...
501 pg_501 0587 forced to relinquish employment in the United States which in...
502 pg_502 0588 with a view to clearing away, so far as can...
503 pg_503 0589 lay before you, for the purpose of record, the views...
504 pg_504 0590 uncertain, especially the status of those who are not of...
505 pg_505 0591 months from June 1, 1927, within which to obtain immigration...
506 pg_506 0592 earnest desire, so clearly manifested in the discussions which have...
507 pg_507 0593 For greater certainty regarding the exact meaning of the various...
508 pg_508 0594 “2. Will persons who fulfil the provisions of this Order,...
509 pg_509 0595 Order Number 86 of the Department of Labor of the...
510 pg_510 0596 relinquishment by such persons of their employment in the United...
511 pg_511 0597 prior to December 1, 1927, will, it is believed, afford...
512 pg_512 0598 “It was explained that for some years past these two...
513 pg_513 0599 that the operations complained of are now being vigorously prosecuted,...
514 pg_514 0600 appointed under that Treaty failed to receive the approval of...
515 pg_515 0601 In view of the opening of the season in which...
516 pg_516 0602 Government, though such approval was not given by the United...
517 pg_517 0603 Chile: Proposed treaty of friendship, commerce and consular rights between...
518 pg_518 0604 A treaty containing the unconditional most-favored-nation clause was signed with...
519 pg_519 0605 For your further confidential information and guidance, the Department was...
520 pg_520 0606 and Minister of Fomento would be represented. … Minister of...
521 pg_521 0607 tracting Parties to enact such statutes.” (See Treaty Series Number...
522 pg_522 0608 so that such bounties, drawbacks and other privileges shall also...
523 pg_523 0609 711.252/6: Telegram The Ambassador in Chile (Collier) to the Secretary...
524 pg_524 0610 [interested?] is now in as good shape as can be...
525 pg_525 0611 This Government desires that the paragraph be included in the...
526 pg_526 0612 of Article XXIX. As stated above on page 2 of...
527 pg_527 0613 825.85/41: Telegram The Ambassador in Chile (Collier) to the Secretary...
528 pg_528 0614 825.85/42: Telegram The Ambassador in Chile (Collier) to the Secretary...
529 pg_529 0615 Canal, with the avowed object of relieving such ships of...
530 pg_530 0616 17 of nitrate law already gives President power to pay...
531 pg_531 0617 825.85/42: Telegram The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in...
532 pg_532 0618 825.85/49: Telegram The Ambassador in Chile (Collier) to the Secretary...
533 pg_533 0619 believe bill as drafted most unwise. Under Secretary says he...
534 pg_534 0620 as to the Panama Canal toll dues will be stricken...
535 pg_535 0621 whether Chilean vessels maintain service with them or not. If...
536 pg_536 0622 825.85/66a: Telegram The Secretary of State to the Chargé in...
537 pg_537 0623 825.85/67 Memorandum by the Secretary of State [Washington,] December 6,...
538 pg_538 0624 works and for loans not exceeding 20 million pesos to...
539 pg_539 0625 of Hacienda who assures Foreign Office that he will make...
540 pg_540 0626 and opportunity be given American Government to become more fully...
541 pg_541 0627 Chilean Government felt copper companies had delayed unduly in making...
542 pg_542 0628 company to furnish information concerning nature and extent of its...
543 pg_543 0629 825.506/8: Telegram The Ambassador in Chile (Collier) to the Secretary...
544 pg_544 0630 I have had three opportunities to discuss matter directly with...
545 pg_545 0631 I have conversed with two vice presidents of the National...
546 pg_546 0632 pesos in Chilean securities or property that can be readily...
547 pg_547 0633 insurance business and on this ground threaten to discontinue agencies...
548 pg_548 0634 informally that the provision in question be eliminated upon the...
549 pg_549 0635 the establishment of certain local companies which would not have...
550 pg_550 0636 jurisdiction only in favor of “Ambassadors, Ministers, and Chargés d’Affaires”....
551 pg_551 0637 701.05/135 The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Chile...
[552] pg_552 0638 ...
[553] pg_553 0639 ...
[554] pg_554 0640 ...
555 pg_555 0641 Index Agreements. See Treaties, conventions, etc. Alien Property Custodian, proposed...
556 pg_556 0642 Reconstruction loan of 1923, 444, 458, 461, 467 Relief loans...
557 pg_557 0643 Ecuador-Peru, agreement (1924) for submission of boundary dispute to arbitration...
558 pg_558 0644 Commissions, committees, etc.: Commissions of conciliation, 387, 388 Commissions of...
559 pg_559 0645 Three-Power Conference at Geneva: Discussions with U. S. officials and...
560 pg_560 0646 Commercial treaties with United States: 1794, amity, commerce, and navigation,...
561 pg_561 0647 Purpose and scope of meeting, 365–366, 379–380, 402–407; nonpolitical powers...
562 pg_562 0648 Naval armament limitation. See Three-Power Conference at Geneva. Naval construction....
563 pg_563 0649 Memoranda of U. S. views concerning— Categories and statistics of...
564 pg_564 0650 Preliminary opinions and discussions concerning— Extension of 5–5–3 ratio to...
565 pg_565 0651 U. S.–Argentina: Treaty of friendship, commerce and consular rights, proposed,...
vak2ve commented 7 years ago

@joewiz, after the correct images showed on other browsers, I cleared my cache on Chrome and we're good to go! Closing this issue now.

joewiz commented 7 years ago

Oh good! Phew! Great job renaming the files! Am I right that you used the Mac Finder's batch renaming function?

vak2ve commented 7 years ago

I used the "rename finder items" workflow in Automator--do you recommend renaming from within the Finder instead if I see an issue like this again?

joewiz commented 7 years ago

Automator is a great way to do it! I'd forgotten about that workflow we created.