HistoryAtState / frus

Foreign Relations of the United States - TEI XML source files
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Add handling for choice/sic/corr #274

Open joewiz opened 4 years ago

joewiz commented 4 years ago

In order to capture known typos in the published/printed editions of our publications, we should explore the use the TEI <choice> element and related elements (see TEI Guidelines on Simple Editorial Changes), which lets us indicate the original, printed words/phrases and corrected words/phrases.

Aspects of this to be developed include:

Initial work on this will be performed in branches of frus and hsg-shell, and will be discussed with Mandy and Kathy before adopting it.

vak2ve commented 4 years ago

Typos on the printed page fall into several categories:

  1. Searchable terms--proper names of various kinds including names, groups, and ships, as well as place names. Typos will keep users from finding documents that match these search terms.
BritianCanfederate Duucan,OretaUnited Staes Nicaragua, Mexiro.Philadelpaia. 2. High-certainty typos—repeated fragments before and after a line break de-degree govern-ernment beeen gov-government 3. Medium-certainty typos—one letter missing, transposed letters, incorrect usage of similar letters (especially vowels, echoing common OCR error patterns) ot whieh accouut accopt lordshid liad 4. Low-certainty typos--possible legitimate spelling variation at the time batallion embassador exequatorexequatur Schulz. siezedsiezure
joewiz commented 3 years ago

Another example via the mailbox today: In https://history.state.gov/historicaldocuments/frus1901/d448, the dateline of the attachment contains a typo: "Kinkiang" should be "Kiukiang." As shown in shown on https://history.state.gov/historicaldocuments/frus1901/pg_509, this typo was in the original:

Screen Shot 2021-03-09 at 1 59 38 PM

Mr. Kupfer worked in Kiukiang, Kiangsi province (using today's spelling, Jiujiang, Jiangxi province).

It would be nice to inform readers that we are aware of the typo.