When spots are migrated from the old custom tables into the new Hitchwiki, each spot becomes a proper wiki article. All such articles are submitted during migration using pywikibot, hence their author is Hitchbot and edit time is the current timestamp.
Would be nice to restore the original timestamp of the spot, and its author. Could be done either using SQL or a MediaWiki extension.
When spots are migrated from the old custom tables into the new Hitchwiki, each spot becomes a proper wiki article. All such articles are submitted during migration using pywikibot, hence their author is Hitchbot and edit time is the current timestamp.
Would be nice to restore the original timestamp of the spot, and its author. Could be done either using SQL or a MediaWiki extension.
Relevant: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Database_layout http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:ChangeAuthor (does it have an API?)