Hitman666 / cordova-ios-voip-push

Register and receive VoIP push notifications in hybrid app projects with Cordova
MIT License
23 stars 28 forks source link

Can't receive token in release version #12

Open EugeneSnihovsky opened 6 years ago

EugeneSnihovsky commented 6 years ago

Hi! Thanks for great plugin!

My application is configured by your guide and all works like a charm, but only when I launch app in debug mode

XCode - product - scheme - edit scheme - run - build configuration - debug

on('registration', ...) callback successfully fired, I receive token and can send to it notifications and receive them on device

When I launch in release mode - on('registration', ...) callback doesn't fire at all. Also on('error', ...) callback also not fired and device logs are empty.

Maybe you know what could be the problem?

Thanks in advance.

jonathanhollander commented 6 years ago

I am having the same exact problem. I've tried with regular distribution and enterprise distribution but I never get a token. Works perfectly in debug mode. Don't get any error handlers firing either.

jonathanhollander commented 6 years ago

Hi Hitman666, I know this is a free plugin you created so not a lot of incentive to make sure it's update to date/always working, but it'd really appreciate if you could take a look, I'm thinking it's something small as it does work just not in release mode. I'm actually updating an app that had this plugin working correctly with it (1.0.1), but I think maybe an iOS11 change did something, because if I try that version as well, it's no longer working.

Hitman666 commented 6 years ago

Hey guys,

I'm just acknowledging that I do read these and that I'm going to check. I can't promise that this will be before next weekend though :/

EugeneSnihovsky commented 6 years ago

@Hitman666 thanks for answer. Maybe it will be helpful. I tested phonegap-plugin-push that based on your plugin and it work in release mode. Probably you can find fixes for your module there

jonathanhollander commented 6 years ago

@Hitman666 thanks for lettings us know. Really appreciate the work you do!

Also, I've come to try the phonegap-plugin-push that @EugeneSnihovsky mentioned, and can confirm it is working correctly in release mode for VoIP pushes. Now given that I believe you created this plugin because you wanted the phonegap-plugin-push to support VoIP but it didnt (https://github.com/phonegap/phonegap-plugin-push/issues/728#issuecomment-250848104) .... you maybe could save yourself sometime and depreciate it. I don't mean any disrespect at all by saying this,... just if the original thing you wanted now is the way you originally wanted it, you could save the hassel. I guess though yours is sorta a standalone plugin without all the extras the phonegap-plugin-push forces upon you.... so maybe everything I wrote is wrong but maybe food for thought.

staskuban commented 5 years ago

Any updates?

EugeneSnihovsky commented 5 years ago

@staskuban it seems that author has no time for plugin.

  1. You can use phonegap-plugin-push with voip on mode

  2. if you use some other plugin, that required cordova-plugin-cocoapod-support, you will face error with missed cocoapods dependencies (cordova-plugin-cocoapod-support@1.5.0 is broken and can handle only one cocoapod dependency for whole project). You can handle this by creating your own plugin based on phonegap-plugin-push (just remove all android and other paths, and clear plugin.xml) and you will not need cordova-plugin-cocoapod-support anymore

  3. to get release token you will also need to set in Xcode release ad-hoc provision profile manually. With auto configuration (auto signing) you will also receive development token (Xcode bug)

kpwa commented 5 years ago

it would be great if this could be fixed!

AleksandarTokarev commented 3 years ago

@EugeneSnihovsky We are using phonegap-plugin-push for normal Push Notifications. Is it possible to use both VoIP push + normal notifications at the same time with phonegap-plugin-push ?

EugeneSnihovsky commented 3 years ago

@AleksandarTokarev Unfortunatelly I don't know answer for your question. It took a long time and I don't remember the details, but in that project I completely abandoned the cordova-ios-voip-push and use phonegap-plugin-push to receive VoIP notifications.

When I finish project in 2018 I stopped working with ionic/cordova and forgot them like a bad dream. If you're still at the prototyping stage I recommend you switch to react-native. The ionic/cordova comunity is dead. Especially with regard to native functionality. You will have to solve all arising problems yourself