Hitman666 / cordova-ios-voip-push

Register and receive VoIP push notifications in hybrid app projects with Cordova
MIT License
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iOS 13 - Notfications not received when app closed #18

Open nocodedweb opened 4 years ago

nocodedweb commented 4 years ago

Hello there! Trying to display an incoming call using this plugin with no luck so far. I installed this plugin yesterday and was able to receive a test VoIP notification alert using an AWS SNS application endpoint once, then I didn't receive any alerts after when the app was completely closed or minimized. However, I would receive alerts with the "notification" event if the app was open and visible. Did I miss something in the implementation?

I'm on iOS 13.4, compiling in Xcode 11. Thanks in advance!

wmehanna commented 4 years ago

@nocodedweb any luck with that so far ? I'm also struggling with that.

AleksandarTokarev commented 3 years ago

@nocodedweb Did you managed to get this working? I am seeing the same issue. test VOIP with simplepush.php script works when app is open, but it does not when app is in background/closed

danielehrhardt commented 3 years ago

Did someone was able to make it work?

AleksandarTokarev commented 3 years ago

We managed to get it working, here is a working version of the plugin that we are using https://github.com/AleksandarTokarev/cordova-plugin-callkit/tree/trusted-care-master Make sure you are on branch trusted-care-master, as in the link We are using AWS SNS to send VoiP Push Notifications with NodeJs, here is the code for that:

const caller = `${currentUser.profile.firstname} ${currentUser.profile.lastname}`
        let voip_protocol = `APNS_VOIP` // `APNS_VOIP_SANDBOX` for Sandbox AWS Env
        let payload = {}
        let voip_protocol_value = `{"aps" : { "alert": "New Incoming Call" }, "data" : { "Caller": { "Username" : "${caller}", "ConnectionId": "${callId}", "CallbackUrl": "${getExternalRootUrl()}updateStatus", "CancelPush": "${isCancel}"}}}`
        payload[`${voip_protocol}`] = voip_protocol_value
        let params = {
            'Message': JSON.stringify(payload),
            'MessageAttributes': {
                'AWS.SNS.MOBILE.APNS.PRIORITY': {
                    'DataType': 'String',
                    'StringValue': '10',
                'AWS.SNS.MOBILE.APNS.PUSH_TYPE': {
                    'DataType': 'String',
                    'StringValue': 'voip',
                [`AWS.SNS.MOBILE.${voip_protocol}.TTL`]: {
                    'DataType': 'String',
                    'StringValue': '0',
            'MessageStructure': 'json',
            'TargetArn': userWithTokenFound.endpointArn,

        try {
            Logger.info(`IOS Voip Push for user sent`, { user_id })
        } catch (error) {
            Logger.info(`IOS Voip Push for user sending error`, { error })

Basically here is the logic, We maintain a list of statuses of the call in the database, connecting, ringing, active, ended. We use the getExternalRootUrl() method to get the URL of the server that the 'Mobile Device' calls an endpoint on to change the status. Let me know if u have any questions

danielehrhardt commented 3 years ago

@danielehrhardt We managed to get it working, here is a working version of the plugin that we are using https://github.com/AleksandarTokarev/cordova-plugin-callkit/tree/trusted-care-master Make sure you are on branch trusted-care-master, as in the link We are using AWS SNS to send VoiP Push Notifications with NodeJs, here is the code for that:

const caller = `${currentUser.profile.firstname} ${currentUser.profile.lastname}`
        let voip_protocol = `APNS_VOIP` // `APNS_VOIP_SANDBOX` for Sandbox AWS Env
        let payload = {}
        let voip_protocol_value = `{"aps" : { "alert": "New Incoming Call" }, "data" : { "Caller": { "Username" : "${caller}", "ConnectionId": "${callId}", "CallbackUrl": "${getExternalRootUrl()}updateStatus", "CancelPush": "${isCancel}"}}}`
        payload[`${voip_protocol}`] = voip_protocol_value
        let params = {
            'Message': JSON.stringify(payload),
            'MessageAttributes': {
                'AWS.SNS.MOBILE.APNS.PRIORITY': {
                    'DataType': 'String',
                    'StringValue': '10',
                'AWS.SNS.MOBILE.APNS.PUSH_TYPE': {
                    'DataType': 'String',
                    'StringValue': 'voip',
                [`AWS.SNS.MOBILE.${voip_protocol}.TTL`]: {
                    'DataType': 'String',
                    'StringValue': '0',
            'MessageStructure': 'json',
            'TargetArn': userWithTokenFound.endpointArn,

        try {
            Logger.info(`IOS Voip Push for user sent`, { user_id })
        } catch (error) {
            Logger.info(`IOS Voip Push for user sending error`, { error })

Basically here is the logic, We maintain a list of statuses of the call in the database, connecting, ringing, active, ended. We use the getExternalRootUrl() method to get the URL of the server that the 'Mobile Device' calls an endpoint on to change the status. Let me know if u have any questions

Thank you so much!!

danielehrhardt commented 3 years ago

What library do you use: https://github.com/AleksandarTokarev/phonegap-plugin-push or https://github.com/havesource/cordova-plugin-push

AleksandarTokarev commented 3 years ago

@danielehrhardt for Android Push Notifications and calling we are using my fork and this branch https://github.com/AleksandarTokarev/phonegap-plugin-push/tree/android-native-caller . We modified it to work with Android 10 The link on my previous comment is only for IOS