HitomaruKonpaku / SadPanda

Chrome extension to access ExHentai
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Doesn't work #4

Closed Zalrakd closed 5 years ago

Zalrakd commented 5 years ago


Unfortunately this doesn't seem to work properly.

I get the login screen, but when I enter my login details (and yes, I am registered in the forums) it says that no account exists with my username.

Again, I am registered to https://forums.e-hentai.org

Thanks for reading!

HitomaruKonpaku commented 5 years ago


It's working on my side.

How old is your account?

Anyway, you can try to follow below steps

  1. Go to https://forums.e-hentai.org/
  2. Log in
  3. Go to https://exhentai.org/
  4. Press F12 to open dev tool, navigate to Application>Clear Storage>Clear site data
  5. Reload
Zalrakd commented 5 years ago

Thanks for repying, tried to do what you suggested, but no luck.

The account was just registered today but seems to work fine on both https://forums.e-hentai.org and https://e-hentai.org, perhaps the issue is that it is too new?

HitomaruKonpaku commented 5 years ago


I think so.

New account can't access EH right away.

Try play https://hentaiverse.org/ for few days & go to EH again

Zalrakd commented 5 years ago


Will update in 10 days