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Server Selection Screen Crash #26

Closed jc132333 closed 3 years ago

jc132333 commented 3 years ago

This is what it loos like in the (data files/logs/errors) file.

14/08/2021 12:43:13 PM The following error occured 'The remote name could not be resolved: 'ipv4.icanhazip.com'' at ' at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadDataInternal(Uri address, WebRequest& request) at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadString(Uri address) at client.modAuth.GetIPAddress() at client.modClientTCP.nqT5AeNAqg3KhiDMt8eQ() at client.modClientTCP.ConnectToServer() at client.modAuth.WJOLT8fmuqxeLeaERoP() at client.modAuth.ServerSelect(Int32 ServerSelection) at client.modInterfaceEvents.hABfxaNATOJmU8Bl8l5A(Int32 ServerSelection) at client.modInterfaceEvents.btnSSSelect_MouseUp(Int32 CurWindow, Int32 CurControl, Int32 Var, Int32 ExtraVar) at client.modInterfaceEvents.S0Xqf3NAIA8Tm6TnZ3th(Object , Int32 CurWindow, Int32 CurControl, Int32 KeyAscii, Int32 ExtraVar) at client.modInterfaceEvents.HandleGuiMouse(entStates entState) at client.modInterfaceEvents.xhL8dpNAC8oqJEgBViNY(entStates entState) at client.modInterfaceEvents.HandleMouseInput() at client.modGameLogic.B6kZFSNsjBtDoHytwwLp() at client.modGameLogic.MainLoop()'. [Info] This is an Unhandled Exception! Please Report this!


RorySoh commented 3 years ago

Hi there, is your computer/network able to access this website? ipv4.icanhazip.com

It should return your own IP in text

jc132333 commented 3 years ago

Hi there, is your computer/network able to access this website? ipv4.icanhazip.com

It should return your own IP in text

Good Day, It works on my phone but not on the computer. I can access the website through my phone using the same network but can't with computer.

RorySoh commented 3 years ago

Alright, we'll see how we can more reliably get that data in the next update. Should be fixed in a day or two. Thank you!

jc132333 commented 3 years ago

Alright, we'll see how we can more reliably get that data in the next update. Should be fixed in a day or two. Thank you!

Thank you for your time.

jc132333 commented 3 years ago

Alright, we'll see how we can more reliably get that data in the next update. Should be fixed in a day or two. Thank you!

Sorry for the disturbance but,

17/08/2021 7:21:44 PM The following error occured 'The remote name could not be resolved: 'api.ipify.org'' at ' at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadDataInternal(Uri address, WebRequest& request) at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadString(Uri address) at client.modAuth.mv69VToU9gx3i16IWCF(Object , Object ) at client.modAuth.GetIPAddress() in D:\NinOnlineSrc\Core\ninonline-c-client\modAuth.cs:line 35 at client.modClientTCP.ConnectToServer() in D:\NinOnlineSrc\Core\ninonline-c-client\modClientTCP.cs:line 80 at client.modAuth.M7RO5KrNniMFuYB4eKa() at client.modAuth.ServerSelect(Int32 ServerSelection) in D:\NinOnlineSrc\Core\ninonline-c-client\modAuth.cs:line 268 at client.modInterfaceEvents.btnSSSelect_MouseUp(Int32 CurWindow, Int32 CurControl, Int32 Var, Int32 ExtraVar) in D:\NinOnlineSrc\Core\ninonline-c-client\modInterfaceEvents.cs:line 564 at client.modInterfaceEvents.HandleGuiMouse(entStates entState) in D:\NinOnlineSrc\Core\ninonline-c-client\modInterfaceEvents.cs:line 371 at client.modInterfaceEvents.HandleMouseInput() in D:\NinOnlineSrc\Core\ninonline-c-client\modInterfaceEvents.cs:line 139 at client.modGameLogic.aMZMdawYQm2UXcWZYWf2() at client.modGameLogic.MainLoop() in D:\NinOnlineSrc\Core\ninonline-c-client\modGameLogic.cs:line 4296'. [Info] This is an Unhandled Exception! Please Report this!

The text change but I still can't open the IP issue while I can with my phone, edit: when i cleared my DNS for all devices i cant access anymore

jc132333 commented 3 years ago

Alright, we'll see how we can more reliably get that data in the next update. Should be fixed in a day or two. Thank you!

I don't think it's a new error from the above, it just says "This site can’t be reached" when I type or go to api.ipify.org. Is there a setting to turn off or on in the windows feature?