Hiumee / service.discord.richpresence

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New update version 1.7.2 display time issue #15

Open E85Addict opened 1 month ago

E85Addict commented 1 month ago

The previous version always showed the display time of whatever was playing no problem, it seems that this latest update broke displaying the time in the rich presence it works everywhere else, it auto finds movies/tv with no problem and displays what I'm watching, but the display time is missing.

Hiumee commented 1 month ago

This appears to be a Discord bug. I reported it and hopefully will be fixed soon. Only the "Playing" status displays timestamps currently

E85Addict commented 1 month ago

Gotcha! that makes sense!

E85Addict commented 1 week ago

I was just thinking, many games have an elapsed play time incorporated into their rich presence, maybe it's possible to use the methods they use instead?

Hiumee commented 1 week ago

I use the same method and the time is sent. It is just Discord not using the timestamps when the status is anything other than playing. Like watching or listening

E85Addict commented 1 week ago

I use the same method and the time is sent. It is just Discord not using the timestamps when the status is anything other than playing. Like watching or listening

My apologies, I had a brain fart last night, for whatever reason I was thinking it was still "playing" I forgot its now watching, silly me!