Hive-Systems / pyfair

Factor Analysis of Information Risk (FAIR) model written in Python. Managed and maintained by Hive Systems
MIT License
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Version 0.2.0 #19

Closed theonaunheim closed 3 years ago

theonaunheim commented 3 years ago

Add version information to JSON

Truncate floats to 2 decimal places in JSON (will cause rounding discrepancies betwern versions).

Note: this will not be implemented. People may need more than 2 decimal places ... and they can just export_results().round(2) if need be.

theonaunheim commented 3 years ago

May also be a good time to add additional unit tests and change to beta.

theonaunheim commented 3 years ago

Change: move to the less complex derivation of Beta curves that everyone else is using (will cause mismatches between versions).

theonaunheim commented 3 years ago

Change "mode" keyword to "most_likely" (will cause mismatches).

theonaunheim commented 3 years ago

Update requirements versions of pandas, xlrd, numpy, scipy, and matplotlib.

theonaunheim commented 3 years ago

Write 'mangler' function to automatically update keywords as appropriate (for old jsons).

theonaunheim commented 3 years ago

Version 0.2.0 is feature complete.