It is possible to create multiple onion services that point to the same port/application. To do this, create multiple HiddenService configurations with different data directories pointing to the same port:
For each HiddenServiceDir/HiddenServicePort combination you create that points to the same port, you will get a different onion address which ultimately point to the same service.
[x] Allow the user to specify the projects in CLI args as: <local_port_nr>:<project_name>:<external_port_nr>-<local_port_nr>:<project_name>:<external_port_nr> etc.
[x] Then split those into a list of projects.
[x] Give the user the option: one domain per project (or not) as boolean cli arg.
[x] If one domain per project: loop over the code, generate the hostnames/onion domains, and then
[ ] if one domain for all projects, generate the hostname with <project_name_0>_<project_name_1> etc.
[x] add the accumulated data into torrc. (Distinguish in the project names end content based on the one-domain-per-service or not boolean).
Then also generate mutliple ssl certs per service.
[x] Store the root CA in certificates/root
[x] Store the <service_name> certificates in certificates/<service_name>.
It is possible to create multiple onion services that point to the same port/application. To do this, create multiple HiddenService configurations with different data directories pointing to the same port:
For each HiddenServiceDir/HiddenServicePort combination you create that points to the same port, you will get a different onion address which ultimately point to the same service.
. (Distinguish in the project names end content based on the one-domain-per-service or not boolean).Then also generate mutliple ssl certs per service.
certificates incertificates/<service_name>