Submitted by @
Enhancement request (new or existing features)
stored imagery
I like to make the most of the HDC device and upon reviewing other dash cams on the market display longitude and latitude and vehicle speed which is invaluable in an event of an accident. I understand privacy is important but could this be added to imagery that is stored on USB C device?
@jayalberts: Please review new community created issue.
Good suggestion. We will add this information once we get through some of the higher priority fixes and enhancements we need to make to the dashcam firmware.
Submitted by @ Enhancement request (new or existing features) stored imagery
I like to make the most of the HDC device and upon reviewing other dash cams on the market display longitude and latitude and vehicle speed which is invaluable in an event of an accident. I understand privacy is important but could this be added to imagery that is stored on USB C device?
@jayalberts: Please review new community created issue.