HlidacStatu / Volicsky-Prukaz

Webová aplikace, která připraví žádost o volební průkaz pro volby (aktuálně do Evropského parlamentu v 2019). Vygenerovanou žádost si volič může stáhnout podepsat a stahnout jako PDF.
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Include application forms for entering foreigners into voter's registry #46

Closed zzen closed 5 years ago

zzen commented 5 years ago

On page for EU nationals voting in ČR, bullets-points 2 and 3 in prerequisites link to two forms that need to be also filled out if the applicant hasn't voted for EP previously. We already collect most of the required data on the Form Input Page, so if a foreigner is going via this flow, extending that page with Place and Country of Birth would enable us to generate these PDFs and offer for download as well.

Perhaps we could extend the end of Form Input page with another mandatory question "Did you previously vote for EP in ČR?" and radio-button answers "Yes" / "No, but I voted in communal (local, municipal) elections" / "No, I never voted in ČR". Based on this choice we would offer either of the forms and provide instructions where and how to deliver it.

zzen commented 5 years ago

closed wontfix