Hlings / AcroFOD

(ECCV2022) The official PyTorch implementation of the "AcroFOD: An Adaptive Method for Cross-domain Few-shot Object Detection".
Apache License 2.0
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class setting in config file #18

Open AImind opened 6 months ago

AImind commented 6 months ago

Thanks for your opensource, it's a nice work.

I want to test it on my datasets, so if my source dataset is coco, target is cityscape, how do I set the config file? Does the next setting right?

train_source: [/coco/images/train, select/images/train] (select means few shot images from cityscape dataset) train_target: coco/images/val val: cityscapes_8cls_foggy/images/val

number of classes nc: 80 or 88 or 8?

class names needing change for different datasets names: only source class or target class or all of them?

By the way, I found a classes.txt in cityscape_8cls_foggy/labels, should I make a class file for coco?