Hlings / AsyFOD

(CVPR2023) The PyTorch implementation of the "AsyFOD: An Asymmetric Adaptation Paradigm for Few-Shot Domain Adaptive Object Detection".
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How to select images for the few shot settings in cityscapes_foggy dataset #5

Closed SumayyaInayat closed 10 months ago

SumayyaInayat commented 10 months ago

Hi, Hope you are doing well. I am running your code on a custom dataset. I have preprocessed the source data following the cityscapes_to_yolo.py but now I am confused how to preprocess the target dataset as per few shot settings and more importantly how you did it in this work.

I am new to few shot domain adaptation so not able to figure out how to reshape the target domain dataset into few shot settings. Like how to divide images into various classes specially when each image has multiple classes. Please help me in this, it will be perfect if you can provide me the foggy_cityscapes_to_yolo.py file since I could not find it in either of the repos.

Thanks alot for helping me!

Hlings commented 10 months ago

Hello. The format of Foggy Cityscapes dataset is the same as Cityscapes. You can refer to cityscapes_to_yolo.py.