Hnfull / Intensio-Obfuscator

Obfuscate a python code 2.x and 3.x
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Keyword arguments are handled incorrectly #12

Closed hurlenko closed 5 years ago

hurlenko commented 5 years ago

Consider this sample code

class DatabaseWriter:
    def __init__(self, filename, compresslevel=5):
        self._file =, "wt", encoding="utf-8", compresslevel=compresslevel)

Variables compresslevel and encoding will be replaced with random names that are not acceptable by gzip builtin library. Also all three occurrences of compresslevel will be replaced with the same name

Hnfull commented 5 years ago
hurlenko commented 5 years ago

Got it, in that case I believe you can close the issue.