HoTT / Coq-HoTT

A Coq library for Homotopy Type Theory
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Reversible coercions (+ canonical structures and typeclasses) #1641

Open Alizter opened 2 years ago

Alizter commented 2 years ago

Coq has a new feature in the upcoming 8.16 release (around summer). Something called reversible coercions. Here is an example of something that we have wanted for a long time:

Set Primitive Projections.

Class IsPointed (A : Type) := point : A.

Record pType : Type := {
  pointed_type : Type ;
  ispointed_pointed_type : IsPointed pointed_type ;
Coercion pointed_type : pType >-> Sortclass.
Canonical Build_pType' (A : Type) (a : IsPointed A) := Build_pType A a.

Axiom A : Type.
Instance a : IsPointed A. Proof. Admitted.

(* Type command is Check without evars (typeclass search etc.) *)
Type (A : pType).

OK, so here is what happens:

This is something we have wanted to do for a while, and has a lot of potential for us. The key feature here isn't reversible coercions on it's own but the interaction of reversible coercions, typeclasses and canonical structures all together.

When HoTT updates to 8.16 (I'm guessing around September) we should definitely start using this. This will allow us to:

Upstream reversible coercions hasn't quite been merged yet, but will be merged soon, check out the PR here:

Please suggest any ideas that you would like to try once this feature is available. I think it has great potential to make the HoTT library much easier to use. :-)

mikeshulman commented 2 years ago

Sounds exciting!

jarlg commented 2 years ago

Indeed! Does this solve #1530?

Alizter commented 2 years ago

I suspect it would make sense now to define Pi as a group directly now, so in a sense yes. Given how we currently do WildCat things, if I do, for a group G and abelian group A, Hom G A then that will be Hom in Grp whilst Hom A G will be hom in AbGrp. Of course, these are the exact same thing, but the wildcat instances will be different. The design of some wildcat stuff might have to change to make this clearer perhaps.

In fact, we could try something even more extreme, which is to not define Pi as a group at all, but rather as a type directly. If we make "Group := { A : Type ; IsGroup A; }" a canonical structure, and the first projection a coercion, then Coq will know how to elaborate any type into a Group as long as there is an IsGroup instance somewhere. This will have to be done carefully however, since we need to make sure the structure we are elaborating is unique in some sense. Or else headaches will ensue.

Alizter commented 2 years ago

I have another example where this might be very useful. Currently we have some tension in the library between TruncType and IsTrunc (with the latter mostly winning). I believe this feature would allow us to say foo (X : hProp) and then pass a Type X into foo rather than having to bundle it up. That is something we thought canonical structures would do before, but I suppose now this would be the missing piece.

This has applications not only to truncations but reflective subuniverses too.