HoTT / coq

Coq is a formal proof management system. It provides a formal language to write mathematical definitions, executable algorithms and theorems together with an environment for semi-interactive development of machine-checked proofs.
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-indices-matter causes universe inconsistency #54

Open ezyang opened 11 years ago

ezyang commented 11 years ago

The following proof script checks fine when indices-matter is disabled, but gives an error when it is turned on.

Inductive Empty : Type :=.

Inductive paths {A : Type} (a : A) : A -> Type :=
  idpath : paths a a.

Notation "x = y :> A" := (@paths A x y) : type_scope.
Notation "x = y" := (x = y :>_) : type_scope.

Arguments idpath {A a} , [A] a.

Definition idmap {A : Type} : A -> A := fun x => x.

Definition path_sum {A B : Type} (z z' : A + B)
           (pq : match z, z' with
                   | inl z0, inl z'0 => z0 = z'0
                   | inr z0, inr z'0 => z0 = z'0
                   | _, _ => Empty
: z = z'.
  destruct z, z', pq; exact idpath.

Definition ap {A B:Type} (f:A -> B) {x y:A} (p:x = y) : f x = f y
  := match p with idpath => idpath end.

Theorem ex2_8 {A B A' B' : Type} (g : A -> A') (h : B -> B') (x y : A + B)
              (* Fortunately, this unifies properly *)
              (pq : match (x, y) with (inl x', inl y') => x' = y' | (inr x', inr y') => x' = y' | _ => Empty end) :
  let f z := match z with inl z' => inl (g z') | inr z' => inr (h z') end in
  ap f (path_sum x y pq) = path_sum (f x) (f y)
     (* Coq appears to require *ALL* of the annotations *)
     ((match x as x return match (x, y) with
              (inl x', inl y') => x' = y'
            | (inr x', inr y') => x' = y'
            | _ => Empty
          end -> match (f x, f y) with
               | (inl x', inl y') => x' = y'
               | (inr x', inr y') => x' = y'
               | _ => Empty end with
           | inl x' => match y as y return match y with
                                               inl y' => x' = y'
                                             | _ => Empty
                                           end -> match f y with
                                                    | inl y' => g x' = y'
                                                    | _ => Empty end with
                         | inl y' => ap g
                         | inr y' => idmap
           | inr x' => match y as y return match y with
                                               inr y' => x' = y'
                                             | _ => Empty
                                           end -> match f y with
                                                    | inr y' => h x' = y'
                                                    | _ => Empty end with
                         | inl y' => idmap
                         | inr y' => ap h
       end) pq).
  destruct x; destruct y; destruct pq; reflexivity.

The error is this:

Toplevel input, characters 1367-1374:
In environment
A : Type
B : Type
A' : Type
B' : Type
g : A -> A'
h : B -> B'
x : A + B
y : A + B
pq :
match x with
| inl x' => match y with
            | inl y' => x' = y'
            | inr _ => Empty
| inr x' => match y with
            | inl _ => Empty
            | inr y' => x' = y'
f :=
fun z : A + B =>
match z with
| inl z' => inl (g z')
| inr z' => inr (h z')
end : A + B -> A' + B'
x' : B
y0 : A + B
y' : B
The term "x' = y'" has type "Type" while it is expected to have type 
"Prop" (Universe inconsistency).

This bug might be related to

mattam82 commented 11 years ago

This is due to a bug in pattern-matching compilation commiting too early to a solution when checking match y with inr y' => x' = y' | _ => Empty end

It infers the return type of the match be Prop (it is typechecking the inl _ => Empty branches first, always) but that's too small for x' = y'. I have a fix in my current version I hope to push soon, but in the meantime you can force the inference by adding a [return Type] to this match and the next on [f y].

JasonGross commented 10 years ago

This is still open in trunk-polyproj and HoTT/coq trunk.