HoawenLo / Text-Based-RPG

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To do list 3 #4

Open HoawenLo opened 2 months ago

HoawenLo commented 2 months ago
HoawenLo commented 2 months ago

Equipping add numbers With special function dialogue options - solution >> change buy_items param to "I would like to purchase some items."

HoawenLo commented 2 months ago

Do List redone

Do tests on interactions Link interactions all the way to engine Do tests on quests Link quests all the way to engine

Dialogue Ensure it is functional Dialogue for traders, after trading function ran, provide option for trader to say goodbye > or link that into the function. Test dialogue on Quest, Trader, general speech npc.

HoawenLo commented 2 months ago

Just need to work on quests link quests all the way to engine Seperate intro quest to add inputs to enable user to read responses

Future work possibly (unlikely as want to finish this project) Sort out combat interaction to enable conditions to make npc available and unavailable, see interactions_template.py