HobnobMancer / cazomevolve

`cazomevolve` ('cazome-evolve') investigates the evolution of CAZomes, and identifies CAZy families that co-occur within the genomes of candidate species, more frequently than would be expected by lineage.
MIT License
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Customisation of the dbCAN consensus #20

Closed HobnobMancer closed 4 months ago

HobnobMancer commented 7 months ago

CAZomevolve provides a wrapper for dbCAN that retrieves the output from each protein function prediction tool (HMMER, DIAMOND, eCAMI and dbCAN-sub), as well as the consensus, where at least two tools agree upon the same CAZyme family annotation. CAZomevolve drops all CAZyme subfamily annotations from the incorporated tools as these refer to CAZyme clusters generated by dbCAN and do not directly translate to the subfamilies in CAZy.

However, the definition of the consensus (at least 2 tools) is immutable at the moment. Users may want to be able to define what the consensus (e.g. 1 or all 3 tools). This requires minor changes to the CAZomevolve command-line interface (CLI) as well as code within CAZomevolve.

Changes to be made