Hobo / hobo

The web app builder for Rails (moved from tablatom/hobo)
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Rails 4.2? #138

Closed ylluminate closed 9 years ago

ylluminate commented 9 years ago

Haven't experimented with hobo on rails 4.2 yet, but was curious if anyone has had any success or hiccups therewith?

iox commented 9 years ago

I'm in the process of finishing integrating Codeship to ensure our tests are always green (https://github.com/Hobo/hobo/tree/codeship_testing). Once that's done, I think it shouldn't be too hard to get Rails 4.2 up and running. But I haven't played with it yet.

If you want to play around with it and see what happens, that would be fantastic!

Meekohi commented 9 years ago

Rails 4.2 has the same issue as https://github.com/Hobo/hobo/issues/97 from what I can tell. Seems like some Gemfiles just need to be updated unless there is actually a break.

haslinger commented 9 years ago

I thought, I give my app a try with 4.2. Updating the gems is quite straight forward, there were some hard coded dependencies in Hobo to loosen and then I got the bundle to be installed.

Starting the app itself fails with

rails/hobo/hobo/lib/hobo/model/permissions.rb:114:in `belongs_to_with_hobo_permission_check': undefined method `options' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)

I saw this coming up from paper_trail gem which declares a has_many :versions relation implicitly. But commenting out then also brought the same error with

home/stefan/daten/rails/hobo/hobo/lib/hobo/model/permissions.rb:114:in `belongs_to_with_hobo_permission_check': undefined method `options' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
    from /home/stefan/daten/rails/hobo/hobo/lib/hobo/model/accessible_associations.rb:142:in `belongs_to_with_accessible'
    from /home/stefan/daten/rails/hobo/hobo/lib/hobo/model.rb:137:in `belongs_to_with_creator_metadata'
    from /home/stefan/daten/rails/hobo/hobo/lib/hobo/model.rb:141:in `belongs_to_with_test_methods'
    from /home/stefan/daten/rails/hobo/hobo_fields/lib/hobo_fields/model.rb:92:in `belongs_to_with_field_declarations'
    from /home/stefan/daten/rails/mercator/app/models/conversation.rb:17:in `<class:Conversation>'

where line 17 in the conversation model is just

  belongs_to :customer, class_name: 'User', inverse_of: :conversations

So I'm afraid that all relations seem to be broken....

Then I tried (without knowing details - we are just in permissions and who cares about them? ;-) ) to just get rid of the error by exchanging the failing line

if reflection.options[:dependent]==:destroy


if reflection && reflection.options[:dependent]==:destroy

Using the some strategy in a second place I finally failed with

/home/stefan/daten/rails/hobo/hobo/lib/hobo/model.rb:143:in `belongs_to_with_test_methods': undefined method `options' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
    from /home/stefan/daten/rails/hobo/hobo_fields/lib/hobo_fields/model.rb:92:in `belongs_to_with_field_declarations'
    from /home/stefan/daten/rails/mercator/app/models/conversation.rb:17:in `<class:Conversation>'

coming form the some belongs_to relation.

Then I was just on the "well let's get crazy route" and ditched the belongs_to relations in this model. Then I got the same error from another belongs_to relation in another model.

Enough tried and going back to 4.0 for today ... but I think it's a good thing that the error is finally in a hobo file and not somewhere crazy deep in the rails stack. Sorry not being able to help here, but at least I promise to continue testing stuff, when Ignacio sees some light here.

iox commented 9 years ago

Thanks a lot Stefan! That seems like the kind of error we should be able to fix.

I'll dive into it ASAP :)

iox commented 9 years ago

Solved, Rails 4.2 support is here!