HoboVR-Labs / issue_tracker

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Add More Complex Controller Tracking #1

Open SimLeek opened 2 years ago

SimLeek commented 2 years ago

Describe the solution you'd like We currently have blob tracking with IMU only. There are other tracking methods like constellation, and several OpenCV tracking methods like POSEIT. We should be able to open up some program, upload a 3D model of the LEDs or controller, and get a file needed for tracking the controller with one of those methods out of it.

Describe alternatives you've considered

Out of all of those, POSEIT + ORB seems the simplest to implement and most general.

Additional context Currently working on the program to get the data needed for POSEIT: image

The right image is the keypoints from ORB, and the left is the projected points onto the 3D ring in 3D space as a point cloud. However, the point cloud is wrong for some reason, so there needs to be another way to get the 3D points.

okawo80085 commented 2 years ago

Another thing our controllers need reworked: Their communication packets, right now the inputs are transferred in a very in efficient manner. Also we need more then one controller device, right now we only have one that emulates Vive Wand inputs.

Also hand skeletons! xD