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[Feature request] WII BALANCE BOARD for VR LOCOMOTION #13

Open wickwrathien opened 2 years ago

wickwrathien commented 2 years ago

WII VR Treadmill

Hello, with this software https://github.com/lshachar/WiiBalanceWalker/releases WiiBalanceWalker I managed to use one WII Balance board to map on to keyboard to control myself by leaning on my feet to strafe right and left and backwards and march/ jog on the spot to move forwards, this worked well. However there was limitations to this software since this doesn't support VR inputs only VJoy and I don't think there was any way to combine multiple WII balance boards to create one great big controller.

In the image I uploaded here is the idea I am going for. Since WII FIT boards are only £10 each and are not used anymore they are readily available to purchase. With one WII FIT balance board you can move with the idea above while facing one direction only for those people who only face forwards, 1 or 2 wii balance board is a solid easy idea to use. To move you can jog, march for those who want to burn calories, or for those people who want comfort and minimal effort there should be a lean by putting your body weight on your feet to move around similar to the PSVR rudder.

However with multiple WII balance boards this will enable people to jog/ march/lean 360 degrees, this is possible with 4 or 5 wii balance boards, to move diagonally you would use your whole body and turn and jog on the spot for example, When strafing one foot would be on the wii balance board while the other foot is off, or even a better idea would be to have two foot on the board while jogging/marching and leaning right or left to strafe at the same time. This should be highly customisable for the user to choose the best most easy way to navigate. To turn 180 degrees the user will have to turn their physical body 180 degrees to face the opposite WII balance board and walk in real life which will naturally translate in game as room scale locomotion.

I firmly believe this idea will work very well, as the WII Balance boards are cheap as chips being £10 in the UK, they connect via Bluetooth and have a battery life of 20 hours, depending on the type of rechargeable battery the user would use. Thats enougth for 3 hours of VR gameplay everyday for a week. They are well built as they are made of plastic and steel, so they have weight to them, and they have 4 rubber grips below for stability so it is sturdy enough to march or jog aggressively on the spot if one would choose to do so. It would also be perfect if the software can reconise when the player is aggressively jogging to run ingame or marching lightly to walk at a steady pace ingame for example. Of course there should be plenty of sliders to customise one's locomotive needs. But to also have plenty of presets options ranging for inactive, comfortable and athletic. Even better is for presets to support popular games to make this easy and accessible for the player, since old games and newer games will have different or similar movements.

I hope you can consider this idea as a natural easy form of locomotion, I would pay a fair price to use this for my VR gaming needs if you do release it on Steam. Now imagine combining this with a xbox 1 kinect, I dream too much sometimes haha. Please let me know if you will consider this, thank you regards Wick.

okawo80085 commented 2 years ago

We'll have to add a new device type for this to be possible to our driver, so this is gonna go into the next version of hobo_vr.

SimLeek commented 2 years ago

Tbh, as someone who runs 10ks and marathons, this looks like a death trap.

There's two fixes for it if you want to jog on top of it and not sit on a chair and tap your feet over it, but it would make it a bit more expensive:

okawo80085 commented 2 years ago

I mean fair point, but adding a treadmill device won't hurt our driver and hardware can be finalized later.

SimLeek commented 2 years ago

Oh yea, definitely agree there.