You can get half way there with something like dmenu, but it's awkward since the hotkey syntax typed must exactly match that given in the dmenu prompt (even with case-insensitivity enabled). Some application-specific convenience features could also be added.
Have autocompletion
Execute upon selection?
Upon getting the abort keysym, quit the program
Allow defining the abort keysym (like sxhkd does with its -a option) so that it can match that of sxhkd
However, no automatic way to get it from sxhkd since it doesn't share any info about itself while running
You can get half way there with something like dmenu, but it's awkward since the hotkey syntax typed must exactly match that given in the dmenu prompt (even with case-insensitivity enabled). Some application-specific convenience features could also be added.
option) so that it can match that of sxhkd