HockeyDevs / mahl-web-scraper

An updated UI created by scraping data from MAHL so people can actually register.
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Node-fetch vs puppeteer #4

Open MrMonsk opened 5 years ago

MrMonsk commented 5 years ago
nvanselow commented 5 years ago

Have you tried to run puppeteer in a lambda? I have a feeling that won't work or will be tricky requiring us to switch to something like ECS to host the backend. I think even the headless version of Chromium isn't running in plain node. But I haven't looked at it in a while so I'm unsure.

nvanselow commented 5 years ago

Looks like there might be some solutions for running Chrome headless on a lambda.

However, I think I still lean toward fetch until we discover we need the added complexity of puppeteer.

MrMonsk commented 5 years ago

Cool beans, will update this in appropriate directory as well