HodorNV / ALOps

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Wait for Docker Container to start - Takes to long #584

Closed NAVFreak closed 1 year ago

NAVFreak commented 1 year ago

We are running several pipelines but it is only pipelines in a certain project that we have problem with "Wait for container to start". For other pipelines it just takes a couple of minutes but in this project it takes around 10-40 minutes(!) and they are running on same machines. I saw #462 but in this case it has been turned off.

Is it the artifact that causes this? 🤔 I created a pipeline that was a copy with next minor and then it went fast, < 1:20 minutes two times

the used yaml The only difference that I can see between the pipelines is the artifact version because we create everything via a template.

- task: ALOpsAgentMaintenance@1
    removeoldtasks: true
    removeunusedcontainers: true
    pruneimagesdayscreated: $(Pipeline-pruneimagesdayscreated) # Force docker image pruning based on creation date (x days).
    removebcartifacts: true
    daysunused: $(Pipeline-daysunused)

- task: ALOpsDockerCreate@1
  displayName: 'ALOPS - Create Docker Image' # It will reuse the image if already exists, or build one if it doesn't.
    artifacttype: 'OnPrem'
    artifactversion: '20.3.42673.43026' 
    artifactcountry: se     
    versionselect: 'Closest'

- task: ALOpsDockerStart@1
  displayName: 'ALOPS - Start Docker Container' # No need to provide any details - it will get the details from previous step
    taskscheduler: Disable   #options Disable,Enable,Keep

- task: ALOpsDockerWait@1
  displayName: 'ALOPS - Wait for Docker Container to start'
    search_string: 'Ready for connections!'

the output Output of: ALOPS - Wait for Docker Container to start

2022-11-07T03:01:08.5014240Z ##[section]Starting: ALOPS - Wait for Docker Container to start
2022-11-07T03:01:08.5228801Z ==============================================================================
2022-11-07T03:01:08.5229440Z Task         : ALOps Docker Wait
2022-11-07T03:01:08.5229985Z Description  : Wait until the Business Central container is started
2022-11-07T03:01:08.5230562Z Version      : ***.453.3***83
2022-11-07T03:01:08.5230931Z Author       : Hodor
2022-11-07T03:01:08.5231472Z Help         : Wait until the Business Central container is started.
2022-11-07T03:01:08.5232136Z ==============================================================================
2022-11-07T03:01:10.2623834Z *** Validate configuration
2022-11-07T03:01:10.5972909Z *** Task Inputs:
2022-11-07T03:01:10.6125950Z name                 value                 
2022-11-07T03:01:10.6129002Z ----                 -----                 
2022-11-07T03:01:10.6132098Z fixed_tag                                  
2022-11-07T03:01:10.6135348Z search_string        Ready for connections!
2022-11-07T03:01:10.6136067Z warning_string                             
2022-11-07T03:01:10.6137085Z error_string                               
2022-11-07T03:01:10.6138356Z setup_working_folder True                  
2022-11-07T03:01:10.6139494Z usecompression       True                  
2022-11-07T03:01:10.6140757Z printlogs            True                  
2022-11-07T03:01:10.6408889Z *** For documentation, please visit   : https://www.alops.be/documentation
2022-11-07T03:01:10.9323343Z *** ALOps License:
2022-11-07T03:01:10.9350344Z   * Licensed To: CompanyName AB (Collection/Organization License)
2022-11-07T03:01:11.0199123Z *** Importing required PS-Functions
2022-11-07T03:01:11.6735203Z *** Waiting for Docker Container Log Entry: Ready for connections!
2022-11-07T03:01:12.8909398Z Initializing...
2022-11-07T03:01:12.8929862Z Starting Container
2022-11-07T03:01:12.8941910Z Hostname is c9d5b69***c3a
2022-11-07T03:01:12.8952798Z PublicDnsName is c9d5b69***c3a
2022-11-07T03:01:12.8963310Z Using NavUserPassword Authentication
2022-11-07T03:01:12.8975144Z Starting Local SQL Server
2022-11-07T03:01:12.8986091Z Starting Internet Information Server
2022-11-07T03:01:12.8998037Z Creating Self Signed Certificate
2022-11-07T03:01:12.9011807Z Self Signed Certificate Thumbprint 3E8B9DADF***8BBE48D4076CD45A83***0BA74BBD035
2022-11-07T03:01:12.9027596Z DNS identity c9d5b69***c3a
2022-11-07T03:01:12.9032262Z Modifying Service Tier Config File with Instance Specific Settings
2022-11-07T03:01:12.9042821Z Modifying Service Tier Config File with settings from environment variable
2022-11-07T03:01:12.9068159Z Setting EnableTaskScheduler to false
2022-11-07T03:01:14.3159687Z Starting Service Tier
2022-11-07T03:01:48.4800819Z CertificateThumprint 3E8B9DADF***8BBE48D4076CD45A83***0BA74BBD035
2022-11-07T03:01:48.4918017Z Registering event sources
2022-11-07T03:01:48.4971038Z Creating DotNetCore Web Server Instance
2022-11-07T03:01:48.4985187Z Using application pool name: BC
2022-11-07T03:01:48.4996867Z Using default container name: NavWebApplicationContainer
2022-11-07T03:01:48.5008072Z Copy files to WWW root C:\inetpub\wwwroot\BC
2022-11-07T03:01:54.4115455Z Create the application pool BC
2022-11-07T03:01:54.4127853Z Create website: NavWebApplicationContainer with SSL
2022-11-07T03:01:55.7836034Z Update configuration: navsettings.json
2022-11-07T03:01:55.7850969Z Done Configuring Web Client
2022-11-07T03:01:55.7863246Z Creating http download site
2022-11-07T03:01:57.1976911Z Setting SA Password and enabling SA
2022-11-07T03:01:57.1988351Z Creating admin as SQL User and add to sysadmin
2022-11-07T03:02:05.7868837Z Creating SUPER user
2022-11-07T03:02:10.0179726Z Container IP Address: ***7***.***.***96.***58
2022-11-07T03:02:10.0191213Z Container Hostname  : c9d5b69***c3a
2022-11-07T03:02:10.0206511Z Container Dns Name  : c9d5b69***c3a
2022-11-07T03:02:10.0217414Z Web Client          : https://c9d5b69***c3a/BC/
2022-11-07T03:02:10.0228075Z Admin Username      : admin
2022-11-07T03:02:10.0240154Z Admin Password      : xxxxx
2022-11-07T03:02:10.0253055Z Dev. Server         : https://c9d5b69***c3a
2022-11-07T03:02:10.0264724Z Dev. ServerInstance : BC
2022-11-07T03:02:10.0280327Z Files:
2022-11-07T03:02:10.0294049Z http://c9d5b69***c3a:8080/ALLanguage.vsix
2022-11-07T03:02:10.0305080Z http://c9d5b69***c3a:8080/certificate.cer
2022-11-07T03:02:10.0321282Z Container Total Physical Memory is ***6.0Gb
2022-11-07T03:02:10.0332628Z Container Free Physical Memory is 5.7Gb
2022-11-07T03:02:10.0349707Z Initialization took 6*** seconds
2022-11-07T03:02:10.0362614Z Ready for connections!
2022-11-07T03:02:10.0373772Z Starting EventLog Monitor
2022-11-07T03:02:10.0385164Z Monitoring EventSources from EventLog[Application]:
2022-11-07T03:02:10.0396167Z - MicrosoftDynamicsNAVClientClientService
2022-11-07T03:02:10.0407299Z - MicrosoftDynamicsNAVClientWebClient
2022-11-07T03:02:10.0421712Z - MicrosoftDynamicsNavServer$BC
2022-11-07T03:02:10.0430947Z - MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS
2022-11-07T03:02:10.7787984Z *** BC Container Parameters:
2022-11-07T03:02:10.7822270Z *** Mapping container info to global variables:
2022-11-07T03:02:10.7862128Z *** Set Pipeline variable $(ALOPS_DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID) = 'c9d5b69***c3a083457***b4aa***4***c8758899***de68***bdae7***d35f***9bfcde***c59df'
2022-11-07T03:02:10.7998601Z *** Set Pipeline variable $(ALOPS_DOCKER_IPADDRESS) = '***7***.***.***96.***58'
2022-11-07T03:02:10.8033470Z *** Set Pipeline variable $(ALOPS_DOCKER_HOSTNAME) = 'c9d5b69***c3a'
2022-11-07T03:02:10.8069275Z *** Set Pipeline variable $(ALOPS_DOCKER_DNSNAME) = 'c9d5b69***c3a'
2022-11-07T03:02:10.8102246Z *** Set Pipeline variable $(ALOPS_DOCKER_WEBCLIENT) = 'https://c9d5b69***c3a/BC/'
2022-11-07T03:02:10.8134853Z *** Set Pipeline variable $(ALOPS_DOCKER_VSIX) = 'http://c9d5b69***c3a:8080/ALLanguage.vsix'
2022-11-07T03:02:10.8169445Z *** Set Pipeline variable $(ALOPS_DOCKER_CERTIFICATE) = 'http://c9d5b69***c3a:8080/certificate.cer'
2022-11-07T03:02:10.8207156Z *** Set Pipeline variable $(ALOPS_DOCKER_ADMINUSER) = 'admin'
2022-11-07T03:02:10.8239717Z *** Set Pipeline variable $(ALOPS_DOCKER_ADMINPASSWORD) = 'Caqi6633'
2022-11-07T03:02:10.8275144Z *** Set Pipeline variable $(ALOPS_DOCKER_NAVSERVERINSTANCE) = 'BC'
2022-11-07T03:02:10.8375601Z *** Initiate Docker Session
2022-11-07T03:02:11.1077345Z *** Set Docker Container ErrorActionPreference = Stop
2022-11-07T03:02:11.1878030Z *** Working folder: c:\vsts-agent-win-x64-***.***0***.0\_work\30\s
2022-11-07T03:02:11.1889595Z ***
2022-11-07T03:02:11.1901493Z *** Copy Working folder to Docker Container: c9d5b69***c3a083457***b4aa***4***c8758899***de68***bdae7***d35f***9bfcde***c59df
2022-11-07T03:02:11.1914321Z *** Docker Working Folder: c:\Run\DevOps\
2022-11-07T03:02:11.1927380Z *** Copy from [c:\vsts-agent-win-x64-***.***0***.0\_work\30\s] to [c:\Run\DevOps\]
2022-11-07T03:02:11.2700753Z *** Compression Enabled Transfer (Dotnet)
2022-11-07T03:02:11.2805605Z *** Compress Source Files
2022-11-07T03:07:24.1304459Z *** Transfer compressed Archive to session (7035***0635*** bytes)
2022-11-07T03:37:11.3298920Z *** Expand source files in target session
2022-11-07T03:38:45.0100874Z *** Source File setup completed
2022-11-07T03:38:45.0352234Z *** Cleanup VSTS Environment: True
2022-11-07T03:38:47.4186018Z ##[section]Finishing: ALOPS - Wait for Docker Container to start

Expected behavior That it shouldnt take that loong.

Screenshots image

Additional context Images image

waldo1001 commented 1 year ago

Hard to see for us what causes this.

Can you check the build agent to see what is in your folder? Or check our repository for big files? Or a huge amount of files?

ALOps transfers all files in the repo to the container - that is slowed down for this project it seems, so it must be something in your repo...

waldo1001 commented 1 year ago

@NAVFreak, any feedback on this?

waldo1001 commented 1 year ago

@NAVFreak ?

NAVFreak commented 1 year ago

Sorry. It seemed to disappear by itself. But... It maybe disappeared when we start using new agent servers and "tossed" the old ones with this problem 🤷

Den ons 8 mars 2023 11:19waldo @.***> skrev:

@NAVFreak https://github.com/NAVFreak ?

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/HodorNV/ALOps/issues/584#issuecomment-1459940230, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AIKZT4CC5TICFUEOGTVMCXDW3BMM7ANCNFSM6AAAAAARY3NWFE . You are receiving this because you were mentioned.Message ID: @.***>

JeremyVyska commented 1 year ago

In case searching folks come across this later:

We had a client with ALOps running a build agent with this problem. Very very slow on this step. I finally noticed that the "Transfer compressed Archive to session" line? That was the hold up. When I dug in, it was zipping, transferring, and unzipping 7gb into the docker for a 134mb app.

The "fix" for us ended up being to empty out the #\ folders in the agent Work path. Presumably, some clean up step hadn't run to flush old things out. Builds went from 1+ hour to a reasonable number of minutes again.

@waldo1001 - adding #672 PR so you don't have to figure out writing this up. 😄