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Create or configure build agent #613

Open imbdxc opened 1 year ago

imbdxc commented 1 year ago

I have created my first pipeline but when I run it i get an error.

The current operating system is not capable of running this task. That typically means the task was written for Windows only. For example, written for Windows Desktop PowerShell.ALOpsDockerStart |   |  

I guess it is because my build agent is not configured correctly. But i could not find any documentation on how to create or configure a prober build agent. Is that doc available somewhere?

Arthurvdv commented 1 year ago

In the past we’ve successfully used this guide as a reference: https://www.waldo.be/2020/07/13/installing-a-devops-agent-with-docker-with-the-most-chance-of-success/

For step 4, you can chose to switch to an other way of installing docker. The reason here is:

Microsoft will no longer maintain the MicrosoftDockerProvider repository, which then also means that the DockerMsftProvider PowerShell module will no longer be supported and if you are using this module, you will need to find a different way of installing Docker. More info: https://freddysblog.com/2021/10/30/docker-and-business-central/

waldo1001 commented 1 year ago

Last option which is in its testing phase:

A service from ALOps where WE will install and maintain your docker agent: fast, reliable, easy, made for AL and BC. "Build Server as a Service" if you will...

If you're interested: contact me through mail: eric.wauters@hodor.be .

Arthurvdv commented 1 year ago

Not sure if it was allowed to share that testing fase, so I didn’t mentioned it.

At the moment we’re looking at migrating to the service that ALOps provide for hosting agents. The goal is to eventually no longer need to maintain our own machines and agents and focus on what where good at; Creating solutions for business requirements with BC 🤗

fvet commented 1 year ago

@waldo1001 Is this new 'option' mainly focusing on moving the infrastructure part away from partners to ALOps (docker / server / agents) or does it also come with a 'plug and play' / template driven approach where also the 'pipelines' are maintained by ALOps (similar to the github 'AL Go' initiative)?

Interested in more info / pricing too.

waldo1001 commented 1 year ago

First goal is to offer an alternative for the needed infrastructure. I see this a lot as a complexity that partners are happy to live without.

The "plug and play" approach, is something we have thought about but parked for the time being, because one of the key strengths of ALOps is to help maintain full flexibility in DevOps by not binding anyone to a fixed "template" or methodology. Would you think this would be valuable nevertheless?