HodorNV / ALOps

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ALOpsAppPublish installaltesttool doesn't work with BC 24 - Error: Cannot synchronize the extension because no synchronized extension could be found to satisfy the dependency definition for Permissions Mock by Microsoft #747

Closed DanielGoehler closed 7 months ago

DanielGoehler commented 7 months ago

Describe the bug With BC 24 ALOpsAppPublish with installaltesttool : true doesn't work anymore and results in an error message:

Cannot synchronize the extension because no synchronized extension could be found to satisfy the dependency definition for Permissions Mock by Microsoft

the used yaml please provide the yaml that you used. It helps you put the yaml like this:

name: $(Build.BuildId)

  - group: 'ALOps Settings'

  - main

  - job: Test
    timeoutInMinutes: 720
    pool: BusinessCentralBuildAgents
      - checkout: self
        clean: true

      - task: ALOpsDockerCreate@1
        displayName: 'ALOps - Create Docker Image'
          artifacttype: 'Sandbox'
          artifactcountry: 'W1'
          licensefile: '\\files\DevOps\Common\DEV.bclicense'

      - task: ALOpsDockerStart@1
        displayName: 'ALOps - Start Docker Container'

      - task: ALOpsDockerWait@1
        displayName: 'ALOps - Wait for Docker Container to start'
          search_string: 'Ready for connections!'

      - task: ALOpsAppPublish@1
        displayName: 'ALOps - Install AL TestTool'
          usedocker: true
          installaltesttool: true

      - task: ALOpsAppCompiler@1
        displayName: 'ALOps - Compile Extension: App'
          usedocker: true
          nav_app_version: '?.?.*.0'
          targetproject: 'MainApp/app.json'
          failed_on_warnings: true
          app_file_suffix: '_APP'

      - task: ALOpsAppPublish@1
        displayName: 'ALOps - Publish Extension'
          usedocker: true
          nav_artifact_app_filter: '*.app'
          skip_verification: true

      - task: ALOpsAppCompiler@1
        displayName: 'ALOps - Compile Extension: Test-App'
          usedocker: true
          nav_app_version: '?.?.*.0'
          targetproject: 'TestApp/app.FullTest.json'
          failed_on_warnings: true
          app_file_suffix: '_TEST'

      - task: ALOpsAppPublish@1
        displayName: 'ALOps - Publish Extension'
          usedocker: true
          nav_artifact_app_filter: '*.app'
          skip_verification: true

      - task: ALOpsAppTest@1
        displayName: 'ALOps - TestSuite ERM'
          usedocker: true
          import_action: 'Skip'
          import_testtoolkit: false
          testpage: '130455'
          testsuite: 'ERM'
          failed_test_action: 'Ignore'
          disabledtests: 'TestApp/DisabledTests.json'
          resultfilename: 'ERM-TestResults.xml'
        continueOnError: true

      - task: PublishTestResults@2
        displayName: 'Publish Test Results **/TestResults.xml'
          testResultsFormat: XUnit
          testResultsFiles: '**/*TestResults.xml'
          testRunTitle: 'BC Test Results: $(Build.BuildId)'

      - task: ALOpsDockerRemove@1
        displayName: 'ALOps - Remove Docker Container'
        enabled: true
        condition: always()

the output Also the complete output is necessary for us to see what is going on. Also use backtics:

##[section]Starting: ALOps - Install AL TestTool
Task         : ALOps App Publish
Description  : Publish AL Extension to Business Central
Version      : 1.463.5245
Author       : Hodor
Help         : Publish Business Central extension to service tier.
*** Validate configuration
*** Task Inputs:

name                                                                                                              value
----                                                                                                              -----
usedocker                                                                                                          True
installpublishedapps                                                                                               True
installaltesttool                                                                                                  True
install_al_app_names                                                                             Tests-TestLibraries...
strictappnames                                                                                                    False
nav_serverinstance                                                                                                BC140
nav_artifact_app_filter                                                                                           *.app
skip_verification                                                                                                  True
forceinstall                                                                                                      False
forcesync                                                                                                         False
publish_scope                                                                                                    Global
tenant                                                                                                          default
blocksymbolsonly                                                                                                  False

*** For documentation, please visit   : https://www.alops.be/documentation

*** Importing required PS-Functions
*** Initiate Docker Session
*** Set Docker Container ErrorActionPreference = Stop
*** Install AL TestTool: True
*** Start AL-TestTool installation
*** Import NAV/BC Management DLL's [False]
*** Loading assemblies for ServiceTier [BC].
*** Loading assemblies from: [C:\program files\microsoft dynamics nav\240\service]
*** BC Management DLL: C:\program files\microsoft dynamics nav\240\service\Management\Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Management.dll
*** Selected module: [C:\program files\microsoft dynamics nav\240\service\Management\Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Management.dll]
*** Loading module: [C:\program files\microsoft dynamics nav\240\service\Management\Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Management.dll]
*** BC App Management DLL: not available
*** Check MockAssemblies.
*** Application requested for installation:
  * Any
  * Library Assert
  * Library Variable Storage
  * System Application Test
  * System Application Test Library
  * Test Runner
  * Tests-TestLibraries

*** Get Available Applications from [C:\Applications*\ C:\Extension*\].
*** Get [*.app] files recursive from [C:\Applications*\ C:\Extension*\]
*** Found [261] files.


*** Remove duplicate Apps
*** Substitute W1 extensions with localised versions if available
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / Library Assert]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / System Application]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / Any]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / Library Variable Storage]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / Permissions Mock]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / Email - Outlook REST API]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / Business Foundation]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / Email - SMTP API]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / Audit File Export]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / Test Runner]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / E-Document Core]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / Contoso Coffee Demo Dataset]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / _Exclude_Master_Data_Management]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / Enforced Digital Vouchers]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / Sustainability]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / Base Application]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / Performance Toolkit]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / _Exclude_ReportLayouts]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / EU 3-Party Trade Purchase]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / _Exclude_APIV1_]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / Error Messages with Recommendations]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / Essential Business Headlines]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / Email - Microsoft 365 Connector]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / Email - Current User Connector]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / Email - SMTP Connector]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / _Exclude_Email Logging Using Graph API]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / Data Search]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / _Exclude_Business_Events_]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / Sales and Inventory Forecast]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / Sales Lines Suggestions]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / SAF-T]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / VAT Group Management]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / Review General Ledger Entries]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / Shopify Connector]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / Simplified Bank Statement Import]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / _Exclude_APIV2_]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / Service Declaration]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / Statistical Accounts]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / Late Payment Prediction]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / _Exclude_Bank Deposits]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / Intrastat Core]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / Recommended Apps]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / Bank Account Reconciliation With AI]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / _Exclude_PlanConfiguration_]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / Payment Practices]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / Payment Links to PayPal]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / Data Archive]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / Send remittance advice by email]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / Spanish language (Spain)]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / Spanish language (Mexico)]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / Russian language (Russia)]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / Swedish language (Sweden)]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / Norwegian language (Norway)]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / Dutch language (Netherlands)]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / Dutch language (Belgium)]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / Danish language (Denmark)]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / English language (New Zealand)]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / English language (Canada)]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / English language (Australia)]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / Czech language (Czechia)]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / Application]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / German language (Switzerland)]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / German language (Germany)]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / German language (Austria)]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / Italian language (Switzerland)]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / Italian language (Italy)]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / Icelandic language (Iceland)]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / French language (Switzerland)]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / Finnish language (Finland)]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / English language (United States)]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / English language (United Kingdom)]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / French language (France)]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / French language (Canada)]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / French language (Belgium)]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / Universal Print Integration]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / Dynamics BC Excel Reports]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / Sustainability Contoso Coffee Demo Dataset]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / Send To Email Printer]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / API Reports - Finance]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / Company Hub]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / _Exclude_ClientAddIns_]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / Troubleshoot FA Ledger Entries]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / E-Documents Connector with External Endpoints]
*** Substitute Extension: [Microsoft / E-Document Core Demo Data]
*** Available Applications:

Publisher Name                                                Path                                                     
--------- ----                                                ----                                                     
Microsoft Library Assert                                      C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Library Assert_24.0.16410.1820...
Microsoft System Application                                  C:\Extensions\Microsoft_System Application_24.0.16410....
Microsoft Any                                                 C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Any_24.0.16410.18205.app         
Microsoft Library Variable Storage                            C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Library Variable Storage_24.0....
Microsoft System Application Test Library                     C:\Applications\system application\test\Microsoft_Syst...
Microsoft Permissions Mock                                    C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Permissions Mock_24.0.16410.18...
Microsoft Tests-TestLibraries                                 C:\Applications\BaseApp\Test\Microsoft_Tests-TestLibra...
Microsoft Email - Outlook REST API                            C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Email - Outlook REST API_24.0....
Microsoft Business Foundation                                 C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Business Foundation_24.0.16410...
Microsoft Email - SMTP API                                    C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Email - SMTP API_24.0.16410.18...
Microsoft Test Runner                                         C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Test Runner_24.0.16410.18205.app 
Microsoft Audit File Export                                   C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Audit File Export_24.0.16410.1...
Microsoft Contoso Coffee Demo Dataset                         C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Contoso Coffee Demo Dataset_24...
Microsoft E-Document Core                                     C:\Extensions\Microsoft_E-Document Core_24.0.16410.182...
Microsoft Intelligent Cloud Base                              C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Intelligent Cloud Base_24.0.16...
Microsoft _Exclude_Master_Data_Management                     C:\Extensions\Microsoft__Exclude_Master_Data_Managemen...
Microsoft Enforced Digital Vouchers                           C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Enforced Digital Vouchers_24.0...
Microsoft Sustainability                                      C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Sustainability_24.0.16410.1820...
Microsoft Library Outlook REST API                            C:\Applications\Email - Outlook REST API\Test\Microsof...
Microsoft Business Foundation Test Libraries                  C:\Applications\BusinessFoundation\Test\Microsoft_Busi...
Microsoft Base Application                                    C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Base Application_24.0.16410.18...
Microsoft Performance Toolkit                                 C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Performance Toolkit_24.0.16410...
Microsoft _Exclude_Business_Events_                           C:\Extensions\Microsoft__Exclude_Business_Events__24.0...
Microsoft Enforced Digital Vouchers Test Library              C:\Applications\EnforcedDigitalVouchers\Test Library\M...
Microsoft Data Archive                                        C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Data Archive_24.0.16410.18205.app
Microsoft Data Search                                         C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Data Search_24.0.16410.18205.app 
Microsoft _Exclude_Email Logging Using Graph API              C:\Extensions\Microsoft__Exclude_Email Logging Using G...
Microsoft Email - Current User Connector                      C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Email - Current User Connector...
Microsoft Email - Microsoft 365 Connector                     C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Email - Microsoft 365 Connecto...
Microsoft Email - SMTP API Test Library                       C:\Applications\Email - SMTP API\Test Library\Microsof...
Microsoft _Exclude_PlanConfiguration_                         C:\Extensions\Microsoft__Exclude_PlanConfiguration__24...
Microsoft _Exclude_ReportLayouts                              C:\Extensions\Microsoft__Exclude_ReportLayouts_24.0.16...
Microsoft _Exclude_Master_Data_Management_Test_Library        C:\Applications\MasterDataManagement\Test Library\Micr...
Microsoft Bank Account Reconciliation With AI                 C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Bank Account Reconciliation Wi...
Microsoft EU 3-Party Trade Purchase                           C:\Extensions\Microsoft_EU 3-Party Trade Purchase_24.0...
Microsoft Sales Lines Suggestions                             C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Sales Lines Suggestions_24.0.1...
Microsoft Sales and Inventory Forecast                        C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Sales and Inventory Forecast_2...
Microsoft Essential Business Headlines                        C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Essential Business Headlines_2...
Microsoft Service Declaration                                 C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Service Declaration_24.0.16410...
Microsoft Error Messages with Recommendations                 C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Error Messages with Recommenda...
Microsoft VAT Group Management                                C:\Extensions\Microsoft_VAT Group Management_24.0.1641...
Microsoft Intrastat Core                                      C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Intrastat Core_24.0.16410.1820...
Microsoft Payment Links to PayPal                             C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Payment Links to PayPal_24.0.1...
Microsoft Late Payment Prediction                             C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Late Payment Prediction_24.0.1...
Microsoft Payment Practices                                   C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Payment Practices_24.0.16410.1...
Microsoft SAF-T                                               C:\Extensions\Microsoft_SAF-T_24.0.16410.18205.app       
Microsoft Review General Ledger Entries                       C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Review General Ledger Entries_...
Microsoft Recommended Apps                                    C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Recommended Apps_24.0.16410.18...
Microsoft Email - SMTP Connector                              C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Email - SMTP Connector_24.0.16...
Microsoft _Exclude_APIV1_                                     C:\Extensions\Microsoft__Exclude_APIV1__24.0.16410.182...
Microsoft _Exclude_APIV2_                                     C:\Extensions\Microsoft__Exclude_APIV2__24.0.16410.182...
Microsoft Shopify Connector                                   C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Shopify Connector_24.0.16410.1...
Microsoft _Exclude_Bank Deposits                              C:\Extensions\Microsoft__Exclude_Bank Deposits_24.0.16...
Microsoft Statistical Accounts                                C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Statistical Accounts_24.0.1641...
Microsoft Simplified Bank Statement Import                    C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Simplified Bank Statement Impo...
Microsoft Sustainability Contoso Coffee Demo Dataset          C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Sustainability Contoso Coffee ...
Microsoft Swedish language (Sweden)                           C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Swedish language (Sweden)_24.0...
Microsoft VAT Group Management Tests                          C:\Applications\vatgroupmanagement\test\Microsoft_VAT ...
Microsoft Microsoft Pay Payments                              C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Microsoft Pay Payments_24.0.16...
Microsoft Application                                         C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Application_24.0.16410.18205.app 
Microsoft API Reports - Finance                               C:\Extensions\Microsoft_API Reports - Finance_24.0.164...
Microsoft API - Cross Environment Intercompany                C:\Extensions\Microsoft_API - Cross Environment Interc...
Microsoft Norwegian language (Norway)                         C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Norwegian language (Norway)_24...
Microsoft Performance Toolkit Tests                           C:\Applications\testframework\performancetoolkit\Micro...
Microsoft Send remittance advice by email                     C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Send remittance advice by emai...
Microsoft Spanish language (Spain)                            C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Spanish language (Spain)_24.0....
Microsoft _Exclude_SyncBaseApp_                               C:\Extensions\Microsoft__Exclude_SyncBaseApp__24.0.164...
Microsoft Send To Email Printer                               C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Send To Email Printer_24.0.164...
Microsoft Spanish language (Mexico)                           C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Spanish language (Mexico)_24.0...
Microsoft Russian language (Russia)                           C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Russian language (Russia)_24.0...
Microsoft Prevent Metadata Updates Library                    C:\Applications\testframework\teststabilitytools\preve...
Microsoft Performance Toolkit Samples                         C:\Applications\testframework\performancetoolkit\Micro...
Microsoft System Application Test                             C:\Applications\system application\test\Microsoft_Syst...
Microsoft _Exclude_Onboarding Signals                         C:\Extensions\Microsoft__Exclude_Onboarding Signals_24...
Microsoft Troubleshoot FA Ledger Entries                      C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Troubleshoot FA Ledger Entries...
Microsoft English language (United States)                    C:\Extensions\Microsoft_English language (United State...
Microsoft Dutch language (Netherlands)                        C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Dutch language (Netherlands)_2...
Microsoft English language (United Kingdom)                   C:\Extensions\Microsoft_English language (United Kingd...
Microsoft Dutch language (Belgium)                            C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Dutch language (Belgium)_24.0....
Microsoft French language (Canada)                            C:\Extensions\Microsoft_French language (Canada)_24.0....
Microsoft French language (Belgium)                           C:\Extensions\Microsoft_French language (Belgium)_24.0...
Microsoft Finnish language (Finland)                          C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Finnish language (Finland)_24....
Microsoft English language (New Zealand)                      C:\Extensions\Microsoft_English language (New Zealand)...
Microsoft _Exclude_Connectivity Apps                          C:\Extensions\Microsoft__Exclude_Connectivity Apps_24....
Microsoft E-Documents Connector with External Endpoints       C:\Extensions\Microsoft_E-Documents Connector with Ext...
Microsoft _Exclude_ClientAddIns_                              C:\Extensions\Microsoft__Exclude_ClientAddIns__24.0.16...
Microsoft English language (Australia)                        C:\Extensions\Microsoft_English language (Australia)_2...
Microsoft Dynamics BC Excel Reports                           C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Dynamics BC Excel Reports_24.0...
Microsoft English language (Canada)                           C:\Extensions\Microsoft_English language (Canada)_24.0...
Microsoft E-Document Core Demo Data                           C:\Extensions\Microsoft_E-Document Core Demo Data_24.0...
Microsoft Danish language (Denmark)                           C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Danish language (Denmark)_24.0...
Microsoft Italian language (Italy)                            C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Italian language (Italy)_24.0....
Microsoft Business Central Cloud Migration API                C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Business Central Cloud Migrati...
Microsoft Business Central Intelligent Cloud                  C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Business Central Intelligent C...
Microsoft Business Central Cloud Migration - Previous Release C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Business Central Cloud Migrati...
Microsoft _Exclude_Microsoft Dynamics 365 - SmartList         C:\Extensions\Microsoft__Exclude_Microsoft Dynamics 36...
Microsoft Universal Print Integration                         C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Universal Print Integration_24...
Microsoft Italian language (Switzerland)                      C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Italian language (Switzerland)...
Microsoft Icelandic language (Iceland)                        C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Icelandic language (Iceland)_2...
Microsoft French language (Switzerland)                       C:\Extensions\Microsoft_French language (Switzerland)_...
Microsoft Czech language (Czechia)                            C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Czech language (Czechia)_24.0....
Microsoft French language (France)                            C:\Extensions\Microsoft_French language (France)_24.0....
Microsoft German language (Austria)                           C:\Extensions\Microsoft_German language (Austria)_24.0...
Microsoft German language (Switzerland)                       C:\Extensions\Microsoft_German language (Switzerland)_...
Microsoft German language (Germany)                           C:\Extensions\Microsoft_German language (Germany)_24.0...
Microsoft Company Hub                                         C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Company Hub_24.0.16410.18205.app 
Microsoft Tests-Data Exchange                                 C:\Applications\BaseApp\Test\Microsoft_Tests-Data Exch...
Microsoft Tests-CRM integration                               C:\Applications\BaseApp\Test\Microsoft_Tests-CRM integ...
Microsoft Tests-Cost Accounting                               C:\Applications\BaseApp\Test\Microsoft_Tests-Cost Acco...
Microsoft Tests-Fixed Asset                                   C:\Applications\BaseApp\Test\Microsoft_Tests-Fixed Ass...
Microsoft Tests-ERM                                           C:\Applications\BaseApp\Test\Microsoft_Tests-ERM.app     
Microsoft Tests-Dimension                                     C:\Applications\BaseApp\Test\Microsoft_Tests-Dimension...
Microsoft Tests-Cash Flow                                     C:\Applications\BaseApp\Test\Microsoft_Tests-Cash Flow...
Microsoft Tests-Bank                                          C:\Applications\BaseApp\Test\Microsoft_Tests-Bank.app    
Microsoft Library - No Transactions                           C:\Applications\BaseApp\Test\Microsoft_Library-NoTrans...
Microsoft Tests-Permissions                                   C:\Applications\BaseApp\Test\Microsoft_Tests-Permissio...
Microsoft Tests-Monitor Sensitive Fields                      C:\Applications\BaseApp\Test\Microsoft_Tests-Monitor S...
Microsoft Tests-Misc                                          C:\Applications\BaseApp\Test\Microsoft_Tests-Misc.app    
Microsoft Tests-Rapid Start                                   C:\Applications\BaseApp\Test\Microsoft_Tests-Rapid Sta...
Microsoft Tests-Prepayment                                    C:\Applications\BaseApp\Test\Microsoft_Tests-Prepaymen...
Microsoft Tests-Physical Inventory                            C:\Applications\BaseApp\Test\Microsoft_Tests-Physical ...
Microsoft Tests-Marketing                                     C:\Applications\BaseApp\Test\Microsoft_Tests-Marketing...
Microsoft Tests-Integration                                   C:\Applications\BaseApp\Test\Microsoft_Tests-Integrati...
Microsoft Tests-Graph                                         C:\Applications\BaseApp\Test\Microsoft_Tests-Graph.app   
Microsoft Tests-General Journal                               C:\Applications\BaseApp\Test\Microsoft_Tests-General J...
Microsoft Tests-Local                                         C:\Applications\BaseApp\Test\Microsoft_Tests-Local.app   
Microsoft Tests-Job                                           C:\Applications\BaseApp\Test\Microsoft_Tests-Job.app     
Microsoft Tests-Invoicing                                     C:\Applications\BaseApp\Test\Microsoft_Tests-Invoicing...
Microsoft _Exclude_APIV2_ Tests                               C:\Applications\APIV2\Test\Microsoft__Exclude_APIV2_ T...
Microsoft _Exclude_APIV1_ Tests                               C:\Applications\APIV1\Test\Microsoft__Exclude_APIV1_ T...
Microsoft _Exclude_Bank Deposits Tests                        C:\Applications\BankDeposits\Test\Microsoft__Exclude_B...
Microsoft Bank Account Reconciliation With AI Tests           C:\Applications\BankAccRecWithAI\Test\Microsoft_Bank A...
Microsoft Audit File Export Tests                             C:\Applications\AuditFileExport\Test\Microsoft_Audit F...
Microsoft Tests-Report                                        C:\Applications\BaseApp\Test\Microsoft_Tests-Report.app  
Microsoft Payment Practices Tests                             C:\Applications\paymentpractices\test\Microsoft_Paymen...
Microsoft OnPrem Permissions Test                             C:\Applications\onprem permissions\test\Microsoft_OnPr...
Microsoft OnPrem Permissions                                  C:\Applications\onprem permissions\source\Microsoft_On...
Microsoft Recommended Apps Tests                              C:\Applications\recommendedapps\test\Microsoft_Recomme...
Microsoft _Exclude_PlanConfiguration_ Tests                   C:\Applications\PlanConfiguration\Test\Microsoft__Excl...
Microsoft PayPal Payments Standard Tests                      C:\Applications\paypalpaymentsstandard\test\Microsoft_...
Microsoft _Exclude_Business_Events_Test                       C:\Applications\ExternalEvents\test\Microsoft__Exclude...
Microsoft EU 3-Party Trade Purchase Tests                     C:\Applications\EU3PartyTradePurchase\test\Microsoft_E...
Microsoft _Exclude_Master_Data_Management_Tests               C:\Applications\MasterDataManagement\Test\Microsoft__E...
Microsoft Late Payment Prediction Tests                       C:\Applications\LatePaymentPredictor\Test\Microsoft_La...
Microsoft Intrastat Core Tests                                C:\Applications\Intrastat\Test\Microsoft_Intrastat Cor...
Microsoft Simplified Bank Statement Import Test               C:\Applications\simplifiedbankstatementimport\test\Mic...
Microsoft Shopify Connector Test                              C:\Applications\shopify\test\Microsoft_Shopify Connect...
Microsoft Service Declaration Tests                           C:\Applications\servicedeclaration\test\Microsoft_Serv...
Microsoft Sustainability Tests                                C:\Applications\sustainability\test\Microsoft_Sustaina...
Microsoft Statistical Accounts Test                           C:\Applications\statisticalaccounts\test\Microsoft_Sta...
Microsoft _Exclude_Review_General_Ledger_Entries_Tests        C:\Applications\reviewglentries\Test\Microsoft__Exclud...
Microsoft Report Layouts Tests                                C:\Applications\ReportLayouts\test\Microsoft_Report La...
Microsoft Sales Lines Suggestions Tests                       C:\Applications\saleslinessuggestions\test\Microsoft_S...
Microsoft Sales and Inventory Forecast Tests                  C:\Applications\salesandinventoryforecast\test\Microso...
Microsoft SAF-T Tests                                         C:\Applications\saf-t\test\Microsoft_SAF-T Tests.app     
Microsoft Essential Business Headlines Test                   C:\Applications\EssentialBusinessHeadlines\Test\Micros...
Microsoft Business Foundation Tests                           C:\Applications\BusinessFoundation\Test\Microsoft_Busi...
Microsoft Tests-Workflow                                      C:\Applications\BaseApp\Test\Microsoft_Tests-Workflow.app
Microsoft Tests-VAT                                           C:\Applications\BaseApp\Test\Microsoft_Tests-VAT.app     
Microsoft Contoso Coffee Demo Dataset Tests                   C:\Applications\ContosoCoffeeDemoDataset\Test\Microsof...
Microsoft Tests-User                                          C:\Applications\BaseApp\Test\Microsoft_Tests-User.app    
Microsoft Tests-SCM                                           C:\Applications\BaseApp\Test\Microsoft_Tests-SCM.app     
Microsoft Tests-Reverse                                       C:\Applications\BaseApp\Test\Microsoft_Tests-Reverse.app 
Microsoft Tests-Resource                                      C:\Applications\BaseApp\Test\Microsoft_Tests-Resource.app
Microsoft Tests-Upgrade                                       C:\Applications\BaseApp\Test\Microsoft_Tests-Upgrade.app 
Microsoft Tests-SMB                                           C:\Applications\BaseApp\Test\Microsoft_Tests-SMB.app     
Microsoft Tests-SINGLESERVER                                  C:\Applications\BaseApp\Test\Microsoft_Tests-SINGLESER...
Microsoft Email - SMTP Connector Tests                        C:\Applications\Email - SMTP Connector\Test\Microsoft_...
Microsoft Email - SMTP API Tests                              C:\Applications\Email - SMTP API\Test\Microsoft_Email ...
Microsoft Email - Microsoft 365 Connector Tests               C:\Applications\Email - Microsoft 365 Connector\Test\M...
Microsoft Error Messages with Recommendations Tests           C:\Applications\ErrorMessagesWithRecommendations\test\...
Microsoft Enforced Digital Vouchers Tests                     C:\Applications\EnforcedDigitalVouchers\Test\Microsoft...
Microsoft _Exclude_Email Logging Using Graph API Tests        C:\Applications\EmailLogging\Test\Microsoft__Exclude_E...
Microsoft Email - Current User Connector Tests                C:\Applications\Email - Current User Connector\Test\Mi...
Microsoft Data Search Tests                                   C:\Applications\DataSearch\test\Microsoft_Data Search ...
Microsoft Data Archive Tests                                  C:\Applications\DataArchive\test\Microsoft_Data Archiv...
Microsoft E-Document Core Tests                               C:\Applications\EDocument\Test\Microsoft_E-Document Co...

*** Installing Applications:

ProcessOrder : -263
Publisher    : Microsoft
Name         : Library Assert
Path         : C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Library Assert_24.0.16410.18205.app

ProcessOrder : -132
Publisher    : Microsoft
Name         : Any
Path         : C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Any_24.0.16410.18205.app

ProcessOrder : -121
Publisher    : Microsoft
Name         : Library Variable Storage
Path         : C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Library Variable Storage_24.0.16410.18205.app

ProcessOrder : -115
Publisher    : Microsoft
Name         : System Application Test Library
Path         : C:\Applications\system application\test\Microsoft_System Application Test Library.app

ProcessOrder : -65
Publisher    : Microsoft
Name         : Tests-TestLibraries
Path         : C:\Applications\BaseApp\Test\Microsoft_Tests-TestLibraries.app

ProcessOrder : -7
Publisher    : Microsoft
Name         : Test Runner
Path         : C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Test Runner_24.0.16410.18205.app

ProcessOrder : -1
Publisher    : Microsoft
Name         : System Application Test
Path         : C:\Applications\system application\test\Microsoft_System Application Test.app

*** Get App Info: C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Library Assert_24.0.16410.18205.app
*** Get App Tenant Info
*** Sync App: [Microsoft / Library Assert]
*** Install App: [Microsoft / Library Assert]
*** Get App Info: C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Any_24.0.16410.18205.app
*** Get App Tenant Info
*** Sync App: [Microsoft / Any]
*** Install App: [Microsoft / Any]
*** Get App Info: C:\Extensions\Microsoft_Library Variable Storage_24.0.16410.18205.app
*** Get App Tenant Info
*** Sync App: [Microsoft / Library Variable Storage]
*** Install App: [Microsoft / Library Variable Storage]
*** Get App Info: C:\Applications\system application\test\Microsoft_System Application Test Library.app
*** Get App Tenant Info
*** Publish App: [Microsoft / System Application Test Library]
*** Sync App: [Microsoft / System Application Test Library]
*** Install App: [Microsoft / System Application Test Library]
*** Get App Info: C:\Applications\BaseApp\Test\Microsoft_Tests-TestLibraries.app
*** Get App Tenant Info
*** Publish App: [Microsoft / Tests-TestLibraries]
*** Sync App: [Microsoft / Tests-TestLibraries]
##[error]AL-TestTool installation failed: Sync-NAVApp: 
[31;1mLine |
[31;1m  15 |      $output = Sync-NAVApp @cmdletArgs;
[31;1m     |                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[31;1m     | Cannot synchronize the extension because no synchronized extension could be found to satisfy the dependency definition for Permissions Mock by Microsoft

*** AL-TestTool installation finished.

*** Disconnect Docker session.
*** Remove Docker session.
*** Docker session removed.
*** AL-Extension Published to ALOps Repository
*** Cleanup VSTS Environment: True
##[section]Finishing: ALOps - Install AL TestTool
PeterConijn commented 7 months ago

We get a similar message, but in another location:

2024-04-08T06:55:05.1603113Z ##[error]Import-Module:  Line |  4 |  Import-Module 'C:\bcartifacts.cache\onprem\24.0.16410.18056\platform\ …  |  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  | Could not load file or assembly 'System.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a'. The system cannot find the file specified. Import-Module:  Line |  5 |  Import-Module 'C:\bcartifacts.cache\onprem\24.0.16410.18056\platform\ …  |  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  | Could not load file or assembly 'System.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a'. The system cannot find the file specified. Import-Module:  Line |  6 |  Import-Module 'C:\bcartifacts.cache\onprem\24.0.16410.18056\platform\ …  |  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  | Could not load file or assembly 'System.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a'. The system cannot find the file specified. InvalidOperation:  Line |  28 |  … p6823.tmp', [Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Management.Helpers.SerializationH …  |  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~  | Unable to find type [Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Management.Helpers.SerializationHelper].

It is weird that it references an OnPrem even though we are deploying to a SaaS sandbox.

PeterConijn commented 7 months ago

Is this related to #745?

PeterConijn commented 7 months ago

Is this related to #745?

To answer my own question: we applied the solution mentioned in #745 and that indeed fixed the deployments (and presumably the builds)

DanielGoehler commented 7 months ago

Double-checked that PowerShell 7 and DotNet 8 are installed on the Build Agent and restarted the server, but the problem persists. image

waldo1001 commented 7 months ago

Can you try to install the test tool like this?

- task: ALOpsAppPublish@1
  displayName: 'ALOPS - Install AL TestTool' # install necessary dependent apps for testability
    usedocker: true
    skip_verification: true
    installaltesttool: true
    install_al_app_names: |
      Library Assert
      System Application Test
      System Application Test Library
      Test Runner
      Permissions Mock
      Library Variable Storage
AdminHodor commented 7 months ago

Dear @DanielGoehler,

Please check our latest release v1.464.6041, we fixed an issue with dependency tree analysis that should solve the "Permission Mock". Thanks for the replication example, this enabled us fixing this more quickly.

Please Use the template for installing the tests as described bu @waldo1001 https://github.com/HodorNV/ALOps/issues/747#issuecomment-2042986245

Kind regards,

DanielGoehler commented 7 months ago

@AdminHodor This works, thanks!