HodorNV / ALOps

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Deploying a single app to an instance that has apps published that are depending on the app I'm trying to deploy gives an error in a yaml pipeline, but works just fine in a release pipeline. #756

Closed dvanes67 closed 2 months ago

dvanes67 commented 2 months ago

Describe the bug We have a yaml pipeline in DevOps that compiles, translate, compiles (again) and creates a runtime for an app. I thought I'd be nice if I could add a step to this pipeline to deploy the app to an instance, depending on the branch name. Everything works fine, until it goes to the publish app stage in the pipeline. Then it goes:

[error]The Extension cannot be unpublished because it is required by the following apps: xxxxxx

If I create a release pipeline in Devops, I can actually deploy the same app, in the same instance without any issue. (and it uses the same code.

Am I missing something? or do I just want to much? We are still mostly onPrem, not sure if that makes a difference.

waldo1001 commented 2 months ago

From the info above, I honestely don't know. I'd have to debug ...

dvanes67 commented 2 months ago

Nevermind, I did some further testing, and now it fails in both ...

dvanes67 commented 2 months ago

To answer my own question, I had a database with apps published as Global, and it was working there, Testing it in a database with the apps published as Dev gave the error

waldo1001 commented 2 months ago


Thanks for answering your own question ;-). Mixing deployment scopes in one database is always to be avoided, in my honest opinion.. .