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Create script that determines which interface is currently being used #52

Closed HokieGeek closed 10 years ago

HokieGeek commented 10 years ago

This will be very useful for displaying info on conky

HokieGeek commented 10 years ago

ip link show up will display all of the known interfaces, but that includes loopback

HokieGeek commented 10 years ago

For reference, within conky I will probably do something along the lines of:

${execpi 3600 $HOME/.bin/current-ip-interface.sh}

HokieGeek commented 10 years ago

Ok, this should take care of it:

ip link show up | egrep '^[0-9]*:' | awk -F: '$2 !~ /lo/ { sub("^ *", "", $2); print $2 }'

Known problem: What if multiple interfaces match?

HokieGeek commented 10 years ago

You know what, what if we make this a conky-specific script that returns all of the config values necessary for the given interface?

import tempfile
import os

# Retrieve interfaces
tempFile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
os.system("ip link show up | egrep '^[0-9]*:' | awk -F: '$2 !~ /lo/ { sub("^ *", "", $2); print $2 }' > %s", tempFile.name)
interfaces = [line.strip() for line in tempFile]

# For each interface, generate conky output
if len(interfaces) == 0
    #^fg(\#FF0000)No connection^fg(\#FFFFFF)
    for interface in interfaces
        # if is wireless
            # TODO
        # else
HokieGeek commented 10 years ago

Remember not to print with newlines (print(______, end="")) and the very last thing sent out should be a \

HokieGeek commented 10 years ago

Kinda bored at work, so:

Fixing this line:

os.system("ip link show up | egrep '^[0-9]*:' | awk -F: '$2 !~ /lo/ { sub(\"^ *\", \"\", $2); print $2 }' > %s", tempFile.name)

And fleshing this out:

# For each interface, generate conky output
for interface in interfaces
    print("${if_up %s}\\", interface, end="")
    if interface[0] == "w"
        print("${wireless_essid %s} \\", interface, end="")
        print("^fg(\\#9F0AC4)\\", end="")
        print("${if_match ${wireless_link_qual_perc %s} >= 95}^i($HOME/.conky/imgs/wifi_100.xbm)${else}\\", interface, end="")
        print("${if_match ${wireless_link_qual_perc %s} >= 75}^i($HOME/.conky/imgs/wifi_75.xbm)${else}\\", interface, end="")
        print("${if_match ${wireless_link_qual_perc %s} >= 50}^i($HOME/.conky/imgs/wifi_50.xbm)${else}\\", interface, end="")
        print("^i($HOME/.conky/imgs/wifi_25.xbm)\\", end="")
        print("${endif}${endif}${endif}\\", end="")
        print("^fg(\\#FFFFFF) \\", end="")
    elif interface[0] == "e"
        #TODO: print("^i($HOME/.conky/imgs/ethernet.xbm)\\", end="")
        #TODO: print("^fg(\\#006400)^i(DOWN) ${downspeed %s}^fg(\\#FFFFFF) \\", interface, end="")
        #TODO: print("^fg(\\#FF0000)^i(UP) ${upspeed %s}^fg(\\#FFFFFF) \\", interface, end="")
    print("^fg(\\#606060)${addr %s}^fg(\\#FFFFFF) \\", interface, end="")
    print("${endif}\\", end="")

# Lastly, output the external IP
print("^fg(\\#606060) (${exec wget -q -O /dev/stdout http://checkip.dyndns.org/ | cut -d : -f 2- | cut -d \\< -f -1 | awk '{ print $1 }'})^fg(\\#FFFFFF)\\", end="")
HokieGeek commented 10 years ago

Research these guys (http://conky.sourceforge.net/variables.html):

HokieGeek commented 10 years ago

You idiot. If you're printing all of this in a single line, you don't need all of those backslashes!