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Revamp xmonad keybindings #54

Closed HokieGeek closed 8 years ago

HokieGeek commented 10 years ago

Remove the following

-- GridSelect            
, (((modm .|. shiftMask), xK_a), mySpawnSelected myAppGSMenu)            
, ((modm, xK_z), goToSelected defaultGSConfig)            
, (((modm .|. shiftMask), xK_z), gridselectWorkspace defaultGSConfig W.greedyView)
HokieGeek commented 10 years ago


Win+[1 to =] - Switch to indicated workspace Win+shift+[1 to =] - Move current window to indicated workspace

Win+shift+tab - Previous workspace Win+tab - Next workspace

Win+h - Shrink master area Win+l - Increase master area Win+shift+j - Swap current window with previous next Win+shift+k - Swap current window with previous previous Win+shift+c - Kill focused window *Win+alt+ret - Swap focused window with master

Win+, - Increase number of windows in master area Win+. - Decrease number of windows in master area Win+m - Focus on master window

*Win+p - dmenu Win+shift+p - gmrun Win+shift+ret - Open terminal

Win+space - Next layout Win+shift+space - Reset layout Win+t - Tile floating window


Win+ctrl+[1 to =] - Swap current workspace with indicated workspace

Win+n - Next empty workspace Win+alt+k - Previous workspace Win+alt+j - Next workspace Win+alt+h - Previous nonemtpy workspace Win+alt+l - Next nonempty workspace Win+backspace - Last workspace

Win+shift+backspace - Navigate last window Win+alt+space - Swap focused window with master Win+shift+h - Mirror shrink master area Win+shift+l - Mirror increase master area Win+ctrl+j - Rotate slaves down Win+ctrl+k - Rotate slaves up

Win+a - dmenu Win+shift+a - GS menu Win+z - Go to selected window Win+shift+z - Go to selected workspace

HokieGeek commented 10 years ago


HokieGeek commented 10 years ago

Add the following (to see if it'll work):

(((modm .|. shiftMask), xK_n), moveTo Next EmptyWS . spawn "chromium")
(((modm .|. ctrlMask), xK_n), moveTo Next EmptyWS . spawn myTerminal)
HokieGeek commented 10 years ago

Need to perfect the media bindings:

When play is pressed, do something different based on what is running?

HokieGeek commented 10 years ago

Be a tad cleaner and smarter about the volume stuff:

unmuteAllChannels = "amixer -q set Master unmute ; amixer -q set Speaker unmute ; amixer -q set Headphone unmute"

and then

-- Volume
, ((0, xF86XK_AudioRaiseVolume), spawn unmuteAllChannels ++ "; amixer -q set Master playback 3+")
, ((shiftMask, xF86XK_AudioRaiseVolume), spawn unmuteAllChannels ++ "; amixer -q set Master playback 100")
, ((0, xF86XK_AudioLowerVolume), spawn unmuteAllChannels ++ "; amixer -q set Master playback 3-")
, ((shiftMask, xF86XK_AudioLowerVolume), spawn unmuteAllChannels ++ "; amixer -q set Master playback 30")