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Create Cd alias in uvix #82

Closed HokieGeek closed 9 years ago

HokieGeek commented 9 years ago

Have it essentially do the following:

cd %:p:h
HokieGeek commented 9 years ago

well, I have that with the following

command! -var Cd call uvix#cd(<f-args>)
function! uvix#cd(...) " {{{
    if len(a:000[:]) == 0
        execute "cd ".expand("%:p:h")
        execute "cd ".a:000[:]

But I'm not convinced that this isn't a useless command. Even harmful.

cd %:p:h is neither difficult to remember nor execute, and I can't think of anything else that Cd should do...

HokieGeek commented 9 years ago

Yeah, I think I'm going to remove this. Also, this is the wrong issues section for this