Hold-Krykke / PythonExam

4. Semester Python Eksamens Projekt
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Lav et "Hvordan køres projektet" afsnit i readme.md #24

Closed MalteMagnussen closed 4 years ago

MalteMagnussen commented 4 years ago

Desuden skal github repoet indeholde en README.md fil med følgende:

  1. [x] Beskrivelse af problemstillingen (hvad er det man ønsker at opnå)
  2. [x] Hvilke teknologier benyttes
  3. [x] Hvordan køres projektet
    • [x] Gennem Flask
    • [x] Gennem CLI
  4. [x] Opdater readme, konverter til engelsk image

Det der skal afleveres på wiseflow er et link til github (sikkert i form af et dokument med et link på wiseflow). Github linket skal indeholde jeres løsning i form af .py filer (evt. en enkelt .ipynb fil til at starte programmet op fra, hvis man ønsker det).

Runi-VN commented 4 years ago

Would be cool to include the programs help in the readme using something like https://carbon.now.sh/

Example (Solarized Dark w/ bash):



MrHardcode commented 4 years ago

How to use the Flask server

Starting the server

Using the endpoint

The server exposes a single endpoint /api/sentiment where you have to make all your requests. Use Postman or a similar tool to test the server at http://localhost:5000/api/sentiment - we have not deployed the server. There is not UI for the server so every request has to be made in a tool like Postman. (Showing examples from Postman)

Explanation of search options Data gathering

Data filtering

Overall Recommendation

JSON: { "hashtags": [ "trump", "biden" ], "start_date": "2020-5-12", "remove_sentiment": "Uncertain", "end_date": "2020-5-22", "plot_type": "line", "tweet_amount": 300 }

Castau commented 4 years ago

How to use the Flask server

This is really good Asger!

Runi-VN commented 4 years ago

CLI is in #28


The whole README needs an overhaul I think

Castau commented 4 years ago

CLI is in #28

I just saw, that is also really looking good. Gj guys!