Holic75 / Baldurs-gate-dnd-3.5

This is a WeiDu mod for BG:Enchanced edition that changes 2ed ADnD rules to DnD 3.5 with some elements taken from Pathfinder
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BG I & II Issues and Feedback #24

Open RafaelElendil opened 3 years ago

RafaelElendil commented 3 years ago

Hello, Holic.

First of all, this mod is awesome and I was playing hundreds of hours with it. I will start by making a list of issues and updating over time. I intended to do it for almost a year, but always postponed, so since this mod is so great and you put so many work into it, I decided to move my lazy ass and do it.

I play without enhanced enemies (I really dislike the changes) and most of my runs are solo, so I can have a very deep analysis of each character I play. I raised the point creation Cap to 32 (DnD heroic) and it gives the side effect of since most attributes have a bonus, its far easier to find errors and incorrect aplications of those bonuses on class abilities.

Races: All races seems to be working just fine and with correct application of all abilities.




Paladin (and Cavalier)





Fighter/Mage/Cleric (seens to be the most bugged of it all)

Tested classes working just fine: (at least the first few levels I tested) Kensai, Druid(all subclasses), Mage(all subclasses), Assassin, Shadowdancer, Swasbuckler, Ninja, Bards(all subclasses), Battle Caster (never tested pure sorceror), Monk(all subclasses), Fighter/Mage, Fighter/Druid, Cleric/Ranger, Fighter/Mage/Thief.


and thats it, i think its all the buggs i found so far.


I know that balancing around soloplay is a trap, but since many classes that are supposed to work better in a group are also king of soloplay, I think some balancing is deserving.

First of all: weapon styles Archery, Two weapons and single weapon seens to be in a good spot, they are powerful and really create their own playstyle, which i think its the point, 2 handed and shield are lacking... A LOT!

2 handed are slow, the damage they recive does not compensate for anything, does not improve any defensive problem like ALL OTHER STYLES do and leave a glass cannon that doesnt even seens as a cannon since the very low APR, slow attack and low crit makes the style just weak,

Sword and shield increases what the playstyle is already strong and adds nothing. Seems a waste of points since other abilities are adding a LOT of other stuff, it doesnt create any playstyle, as single weapon style that makes single weapons really viable.

Suggestion(i dont know if they are viable because i dont know this effects can be added to a style)

Two-handed (increasing the APR and giving AC, both make sense, and still leave single weapons as the king of crit) 1- +1dmg, -1 speed 2- +0.5APR, -1AC 3- +1dmg, -1speed 4- +1dmg, -1speed 5- +0.5APR, -1AC 6- +1dmg, -1speed 7- +1dmg, -1speed, -1AC

Sword&Shield (I dont know if my suggestion is implementable, but you made so many awesome things with this mod that i will suggest anyway) 1- Gain an extra attack(shield bash) that does 1d3 base damage (it gets same enhancement to hit and damage as the shield enhancedment to AC, plus the character +STR bonus and any other bonuses from spells like divine favor) 2- +1 to AC, shield bash damage increases to 1d4 3- +1 to AC, shield bash damage increases to 1d6 4- +1 to AC, gains evasion with shield equiped 5- Gains immunity to critical hits, shield bash damage increases to 1d8 6- +1 to AC, Crit on 19-20 7- +1 to AC, Crit on 17-20


Almost all classes seens fairly balanced, and many that have problems are because they are not working as intended (the bugs above), that said some really need some help.

Paladin(and all subclasses): I tried a 2handed paladin(trying to get the holy avenger in bg2) and it sucks hard on early game. The inability to get any AC from dex due to full plate 0 dex, no defense in 2 handed style, made it really hard, even after level 6 with the +0.5 APR from base attack. I suggest both making the changes above, which would make sword and shield paladin a lot more fun and viable and either giving shield as a paladin spell OR giving paladins the ability to increase +1 max dex from armor starting from level 5 and every 5 levels to Max +4 at level 20.

Skald: To me, the best class in the game, specially for solo, right now, which is strange, since bard abilities are supposed to be more supportive. I dont think it needs a nerf, its not broken AT ALL, it just is very independent:

Lets compare with 2 classes that IMO, compares directly to IT: Fighter/Mage pros:

Not that fighter/mage is a bad class, Its just that skald is better. I wouldnt nerf skald because its fine as it is, i would just make the following changes to fighter mage:


Fighter/Mage/Thief -7HP

Monk All monks struggle a lot, the scaling ac you gave is unable to keep up and monks become complete potion dependants. Also a Ki mechanic similar to what you did to other classes would be very helpfull.

Now a twist, since most ability concour for Ki, monk has a unique Ki recovery method besides resting, everytime a monk scores a critical hit with a unnarmed strike its recovers 1 Ki, it works specially fine with the single weapon style working with unnarmed strike and make monks even closer to the Unchained Pathfinder Monk that seens to be the one you used as base.

Well, thats it for now. Very long, but is almost 2 years of intensive testing.

RafaelElendil commented 3 years ago

Found another issue:

Battlecaster have medium THACO progression, but their APR follows the Slow progression (tested both on BG1 and BG2), just getting +0.5 APR at level 11, instead of level 8 and 15.