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Plane suggestion #195

Open AlfieIsSmart opened 1 year ago

AlfieIsSmart commented 1 year ago

Is there a way to start letting people buy planes / helicopters?


Midori33 commented 1 year ago

If they do become available I'm sure they will extremely expensive. and rightfully so.

AlfieIsSmart commented 1 year ago

ahhh ok! do you mean that you would increase all the prices?

Stetty78 commented 1 year ago

Helicopters and planes will only be purchasable, by people with a Pilot WL and a Pilots license. We are not currently giving those out or allowing people to fly yet.

Midori33 commented 1 year ago

I dont know any of the prices tbh. i also dont have any control over that. but planes and helicopters while a lot of fun, still have to be balanced in the sense of realism. they are luxury items for a reason. plus if just anyone can buy a helicopter, things would probably devolve into chaos very quickly. having a license like Stetty mentioned will be good so if there is abuse it can be revoked. once that the license takes effect that is.