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Yellow Pages #217

Open momocitaa opened 1 year ago

momocitaa commented 1 year ago

The yellow pages show up in town for a limited time/ whenever youre awake. i think if the post can be up for a full 24hrs or even stay up weekly thatd be better. it shows phone numbers so if they couldnt call you they still have the ability to text you for information when you next wake up :)

momocitaa commented 1 year ago


ChugThis commented 1 year ago

This is a Dev issue, I’ll let them respond. I agree that the yellow pages should last longer. I know a new phone system is being looked at which may solve that issue with different apps etc

Colt-Sterling commented 1 year ago

Chug is on the money. We're currently looking for new phones that have a little more freedom, so that we can set up things the way we like it/work better.