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Grave Digging LEO Requirement Thoughts #223

Closed MrKyRy closed 1 year ago

MrKyRy commented 1 year ago

So I know this will not be a very likable idea but I personally believe grave digging should notify LEOs. Digging up graves is obviously illegal and it will add a form of interaction with people. It seems grave digging is just grinding for items and you can get a large array of items which I think should have some risk / reward to it. Even though there is not dirty money involved, I believe it should be considered a crime and LEOs should be notified. It also forces grave diggers to come up with unique interactions and stories.


xxtraspicyy commented 1 year ago

this has been discussed briefly and the small consensus is that notifications are not necessary, you can patrol past the cemetery or even in the cemetery etc as grave digging is illegal and go from there

Midori33 commented 1 year ago

maybe if they do it in the day but if youre grave digging at night then there should be little to no notifications.

ItsLoftus commented 1 year ago

I'd be fine with it notifying LEO's, just hope it doesn't require them. Its really 1 of the few things we can do without the police around

AliAliJr commented 1 year ago

Random alerts added, also F1 > check status to see if target has grave dirt on his clothes.