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State Funds/Casino Funds #224

Open DeliriousHoot opened 1 year ago

DeliriousHoot commented 1 year ago

So I'm going to start off with saying this is going to be a very hot topic and I know some are going to be heavily against it but I've seen it done before and while many hated it at first it did exactly what it was supposed to. I think the city should see the introduction of a maintance fee. Currently there is nothing from stopping people from hording vehicles, especially certain vehicles with large storage to be used as stash vehicles. while this is fine in moderation it doesn't make sense for someone to have 4-5 of the same van/vehicle simply because it has large amounts of storage. It would also limit the amount of super vehicles someone would potentially be willing to own as with a proper classification system a S class vehicle would have higher maintance fees that would grow exponentially with each additional vehicle of the same class. for example let's say I buy a huracan that is classed as an S+ vehicle my fee would be 5000 every 2 weeks. however if I went and bought another S+ vehicle my fees wouldn't be 10,000 it would grow to 14000. With the introduction of these fees it would allow for a state fund to grow and used on giving a bonus payout to the casino or a bailout if a business is in serious trouble and needs to go through that process. These fees also help keep wealth in check and actually make people wanna work for the stuff they have and keep.